Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

35. Istanbul 2004 
a more accurate 
n. The rest of the 
give a summary 
details of fitting 
lges. We present 
ion 4, along with 
mation accuracy 
jects. Finally, we 
ctions for future 
s it was noted in 
d point clouds as 
nate scan-to-scan 
cthod (Besl and 
from this pre- 
n recognized and 
ned in the final 
stration (Dijkman 
jon or exterior 
G model contour 
terior orientation 
s of the modelled 
recognition only 
nages it provides 
otter chances of 
| iue for the 
their man-made 
imitives can be 
et al. (1980) 85% 
approximated by 
ercentage rises to 
> set of available 
tjean, 2002). 
ach, consisting of 
m based object 
on growing based 
, Constraint. It is 
faces in industrial 
with their surface 
edges. First of all 
in the point cloud 
Il neighbourhood. 
ving in which we 
he angle between 
illy, segmentation 
ms, because if we 
ntation is reduced 
from the object 
segmentation, the 
fitting and finding 
fit. Most of the 
1 able to achieve a 
et al., 2000). The 
sually to under- 
ig assigned to one 
stage detects the 
ts using a Hough 
1d outliers is not a 
le to recover from 
tation. The object 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
detection is currently limited to cylinders and planes, but in 
many industrial environments they can account for more than 
70% of the objects. 
Next is the Constraint Detection stage where objects which have 
been multiply detected are combined together, the cylinders 
which might be connected are found, and the presence of curves 
between pipes in proximity is hypothesized, and then checked 
against the point cloud. The process of combining various 
segments and assigning them to CSG objects from the Object 
Catalogue is currently manual. But in future, we plan to make it 
The next stage of surface fitting assumes that the combination 
of preceding segmentation and object recognition stages have 
resulted in correctly labelled points, and we know which points 
belong to which CSG model. Similarly in images the point 
measurements (either manual or automatic) are correctly 
assigned to their corresponding CSG objects. The details of 
fiting the selected CSG objects to the point cloud and the 
image measurements as well as their combination are discussed 
in the following sections. 
3.1 Fitting of CSG model to point clouds 
The problem we are addressing can be formulated as follows. 
We have a set of points, which are sampled from some object 
that can be approximated by the given CSG model. We want to 
estimate those values of the parameters for the CSG object, 
which minimize the sum of the squares of the orthogonal 
distance of the points from the surface of the model i.e., 
min XY Vp Ett )] (D 
O defines the shortest distance of a given point p to the 
surface of the CSG model P which has M shape and pose 
parameters given by. 7,,7,,...,7,,. The point cloud consists of 
N'poiuts, p, p... py (Fig. 2(2)). 
To solve this non-linear least-squares problem we need a 
method to find the value of the distance function Q in (1) and 
its partial derivatives with respect to the CSG parameters i.c. 
dQ 9Q dQ 
00 01, 07, 
The calculation of Qis a difficult problem, as due to the 
bounded surfaces used by the CSG specification it is not 
possible to have closed form analytical expressions. For a 
comparison of different numerical methods for its computation 
we refer the reader to Rabbani and van den Heuvel (2004). Here 
we use ACIS (2004), which is a commercial geometric 
modelling engine to compute €. Similarly, the partial 
derivatives are estimated numerically using finite differences. 
As noted by Dennis and Schnabel (1996), for sufficiently small 
step-size, the results obtained from the finite difference 
approximation of the partial derivatives for the least-squares 
solution are indistinguishable from the analytical ones. 
For minimizing the function (1) with respect to parameters of 
the CSG model we use Levenberg-Marquardt method (Bjórk, 
1996; Press et al., 1996). Starting from an initial estimate of 
CSG parameters [, at each iteration we get an adjustment 
given by: 
(a) (b) 
Fig. 2: Calculation of distances for fitting (a) Q for a Point 
Cloud, the model is shown in yellow, the red arrows from green 
points to model surface indicate the distance (b) Y for an 
Image, the measurements are in green, the back-projected model 
is in yellow, and red arrows indicate their distance in image 
AF 2 (JJ - AJ) (JD) (3) 
DU zD.-—AD (4) 
where J is the Jacobian matrix and D is the distance vector 
299. : 
ik OT, (5) 
D, = ©, (p,.T 4) (6) 
©, is the distance of the ith point from the CSG surface, and 
7, is the kth parameter of the CSG tree. In (3) above À is the 
Levenberg-Marquardt parameter. When A =0 Newton step is 
taken while for A — eo results in steepest descent step. 
We are using quaternions (Shoemake 1985) for the specification 
of rotation as they provide a singularity free representation. This 
means we have four rotation parameters with one constraint i.e.: 
G +4, +4; +4; =I (7) 
The constraint in (7) cannot be enforced during the adjustment, 
as Levenberg Marquardt is an unconstrained optimization 
method. This means that we have an over-parameterisation and 
the resulting matrix of normal equations can be singular. To 
avoid the resulting numerical problems we use Singular Value 
Decomposition (Golub, 1996) for inverting the matrix in (3). 
This way if there is a rank deficiency we take the column 
corresponding to minimum singular value out of the matrix 
system and thus get a minimum norm solution. 
3.2 Fitting of CSG Model to images 
The use of CAD models for fitting to images was pioneered by 
Lowe (1991). He estimated the pose and the shape parameters 
by minimizing the distance of the visible edges from the hidden- 
line projection of the estimated model. Vosselman et al. (2003) 
extended and modified this approach for fitting CSG objects to 
image gradients and point measurements for industrial 
reconstruction. They also used internal and external geometric 
constraints to reduce the number of degrees of freedom and thus 
the required image measurements. We follow their fitting 
approach for images, with one exception that we don't know a 
priori the correspondence between image measurements and 
back projected edges of the CSG model. Due to this missing 
information we follow an iterative procedure, where before each 
iteration for fitting, the measurements are assigned to the closest 

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