International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
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Fig. 3: Cylinder fitting experiment (a) Point Cloud (b-d) Images
with back-projected model in yellow, point measurements in
red, and sub-sampled point cloud in white
Parame Image Point
ter 1 2 3 Cloud Bot
1 X 52.269 | 10.326 9.923 0.838 0.762
2 Y 163.45 14.168 | 13.629 1.335 0.862
3 Z 12.740 3.489 3.467 119.90 1.654
4 t0 0.056 1.0E-2 | LOEO2 | 228E-3 | 2.0E-3
5 tl 0.065 2.1E-2 2.1E2 | 3.96E-3 | 2.9E-3
6 t2 5.283 2.538 2.534 0.359 0.237
7| Length | 10.591 3 121 3.120 oo 1.857
8 | Radius 169.57 16.166 15.522 0.634 0.565
Table 1: Standard deviation for Cylinder fitting experiment
Each point measurement in the image gives us a ray in 3D.
Given a set of images with measured points we want to estimate
those values for CSG parameters that result in the minimum
distance between all these rays and the estimated CSG model.
Alternately, the ray to body distance can be calculated in image
space. There we have to compute the distance in pixels between
an image measurement and the closest back-projected contour
of the CSG model. The back projection must have a mechanism
for hidden-line removal, so that the effects of self and external
occlusions are taken into account. We follow the second
approach, and use ACIS (2004), which a commercial geometric
modelling engine to compute the hidden line projection of the
model in the image. For an example see Fig. 2(b).
Thus the fitting problem reduces to the estimation of those
values of the CSG parameters, which minimize the sum of the
squares of the orthogonal distance of the image measurements
from the back-projected edges of the model in the image i.e.,
min Y N^? [m,, H(1,.7,....,7,,)] (8)
Where Y defines the shortest distance of a given measurement
m, in an image to the closest edge of the back projected CSG
model H , which has M shape and pose parameters given by
T,,T,,.-., Ty - There are Nimage measurements given by
My, Ms... My -
The problem of minimizing V?is also a non-linear least
squares problem and is similar to that of minimizing
Q discussed in the above section. We need partial derivatives
QW- oy Qv
T eO ritu,
Although analytic expressions for the estimation of the partial
derivatives for some of the CSG objects are given by Ermes et
al (1999) here we estimate them numerically using finite
differences. The final estimation uses Levenberg-Marquardt in
combination with Singular Value Decomposition. The details
are similar to the ones discussed in Section 3.1 .
with respect to CSG parameters Le.
As it was said in the introduction, images and point clouds
provide complementary sources of information, and by their
combination we can expect better estimation accuracy. Edges of
the object where laser scanner usually provide noisy data are
captured best in the images. Additionally, while fitting bounded
objects point clouds do not contain enough information about
determining the bounds, whereas by providing the full edge
outline images fix the bounds. For example in the case of a
cylinder usually the closing lids on both sides are not scanned
either because they are not visible due to the connections with
other surrounding objects, or because it is not convenient to
place the scanner in a position where the lids are visible. As a
result we expect the length of the cylinder to be poorly
determined by such a point cloud. In contrast the measurements
in the image provide points on the edges and thus help improve
the precision of the length estimate.
To demonstrate the complementary nature of the information
coming from images and point clouds we will do some fitting
experiments on two test objects. Each object will be fitted three
times, first using only point cloud, then using only image
measurements and finally a combination of both. The point
clouds we will use were captured using a Cyrax scanner. We
assume standard deviation of 5mm for each point. The images
were captured using a Nikon CoolPix camera having a
resolution of 5 mega pixels and using a fixed focal length of
7.34 mm. The standard deviation for image measurements is
taken to be 1 pixel.
4.1 Cylinder fitting
The arrangement we used for the first experiment is shown in
Fig. 3. A cylinder is scanned from the front, and images are
taken from three different positions. We sce back-projected
hidden lines in yellow, points measured on edges in red, while
the sub-sampled point cloud is shown in white. A cylinder is
represented by 8 parameters, 3 for the position, 3 for the axis,
one for the radius and one for the length. In Table 1 we see the
standard deviations obtained for different parameters by doing
fitting to point clouds, images and to a combination of both. For
images we did fitting separately using one, two and three
images, while in case of both all of the three images were used.
As expected in the case of using only point cloud the length of
cylinder is not determined because in the absence of points on
upper and lower lids there is not enough information in the
point cloud for its determination. Because we use singular value
decomposition the length parameter is taken out of the
estimation during matrix inversion and thus its value remains
fixed on the initial starting point this results in standard
deviation of ee for length.
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