Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and 
Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 9 shows the reflectance image overlapped with the 
corresponding coloured RGB values. A section of the colored 
3D point cloud is shown in Figure 10. 
Figure 10: The figure shows a part of the drawnhall of castle 
Neuschwarnstein as colored 3D point cloud. 
3.2 Interior Design 
The next example shows an application how it could be used for 
interior design (see Figure 11). The table is shown as a realistic 
coloured 3D point cloud. The clothes hanger shown in the 
figure for instance shows the high quality and details of the 
coloured point cloud. 
Figure 11: The figure shows the coloured 3D point cloud of a 
In this section an example of the project NATSCAN is 
presented: NATSCAN is a common project between several 
research institutes and industrial partners with the goal to 
develop perspectives and tasks for laser scanning technology in 
the field of environmental applications. In Figure 12 the 
coloured 3D point cloud of a group of trees is shown. In this 
example colour scanning is used for monitoring. The figure 
shows the 3D point cloud of the Imager partially combined with 
2D colour information. 
Another application is the quality check of wood: 3D data is 
needed to perform measurement tasks, like e.g. the calculation 
of the perimeter or length of a trunk. Quality properties of 
wood, like e.g. knotholes can be calculated by means of image 
processing methods on the 2D RGB colour image. 
Figure 12: The figure shows the 3D point cloud of a group of 
trees in a forest, partially combined with colour 
information. There remain dark shadows, as the data 
acquisition was taken from just one viewpoint. 
With the developed visual laser scanner, the control software 
and the software for model generation, there are very powerful 
tools available that are suitable for a lot of terrestrial surveying 
tasks. The developed laser scanner offers high accuracy 
measurements in conjunction with a high sampling rate and 
large dynamic range in reflective properties of object surfaces 
(highly reflective to absorbing). In combination with the DLR 
panoramic colour camera a precise and accurate monitoring of 
the actual environment by means of colour point clouds is 
achieved. This is unique due to its high precision and quality. 
In a next step further improvements on mapping colour and 
geometry by means of raw data will be researched with several 
international partners in research projects. 
The authors would like to thank Karsten Scheibe, his colleagues 
of the DLR and Bernhard Strackenbrock for their development 
of the Eye Scan Camera. We would also like to thank thc 
‘Bayerische Schlösser- und Seenverwaltung’ for the good 
cooperation. Finally we would like to thank for the good 
support in the project NATSCAN, especially the IWW institute 
of Prof. Spiecker. 
[Abm04] Abmayr T.. Hártl F., Mettenleiter M., Heinz I, 
Hildebrand A., Neumann B., Fróhlich C. Local polynomial 
reconstruction of intensity data as basis of detecting 
homologous points and contours with subpixel accuracy applied 
on Imager 5003: Proceedings of the ISPRS working group V/I, 
Panoramic Photogrammetry Workshop, Vol XXXIV, Part 
5/W16, Dresden, 19-22 Feb 2004 
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