Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
solution can be found, provided that these vectors are not 
collinear. D is the intersection of P and P'. The computed 
solution is: 
P. -— 
Rs Z 
,;— hormiN,AJN/) 
Figure 3: Stereo line example. 
Figure 3 example displays the selected features (a) and the 
matched object on the computed solution (b). Then suc- 
cessive interactive actions are: 
- 1) translation along D (c), 
- 2) rotation around D (d). 
Both images may display a distinct part of the 3-D edge. 
This could be useful to limit the number of views when 
modelling large objects as no overlap is required. 
3.4 Shape of revolution configuration 
This solution estimates the axis A of a shape of revolution 
from the specification of its contours in two views. Let S, 
and S» (resp. S, and 5%) be the selected segments, and P; 
and P» (resp. Pj and P2) their interpretation planes with 
normal vectors V and Va (resp. Vi and V2). Axis À 1s the 
intersection of mediator planes P4; and P4,, where Par is 
given by point C and vector NU Be Ni 4 Na. 
If Ni and Ni are not collinear, the solution is: 
7, norm( Nm A N°) 
Rs : P; = £4 1 A 
Y zs norm CP SA s) 
where a L b is the othogonal projection of a on b. 
Figure 5: Shape of revolution example. 
Figure 5 example displays the selected features (a) and the 
matched object on the computed solution (b). Then suc- 
cessive interactive actions are: 
- 1) translation along .A (c), 
- 2) rotation around .A (d). 
It is interesting to note that this solution may handle any 
object that contains in particular a cylindrical or conical 
3.5 Coplanar features configuration 
This solution computes a 3-D plane 7T from the selection 
of a set of coplanar features in two images. It fixes two 
rotation and one translation parameters. Proposed sets are: 
e three points P; (resp. P/), à € [1,3]; each couple 
of interpretation lines £; and £; theorically intersects 
in point M;. The triplet (M,, My, M3) defines 77. 
Actually the interpretation lines do not intersect be- 
cause of numerical errors in calibration, numerization 
or manual selection tasks. Therefore each M; is com- 
puted as a rough but sufficient estimation as the mid- 
dle point between Z; and £j. The plane 7f can be 
computed if the three points are not aligned. 
e one line segment S and one point P (resp. S' and P/); 
the segments interpretation planes intersect in line D, 
and a point M is obtained by triangulation of P and 
P' (figure 6). If M does not belong to D, 7( is defined 
by D and M. 
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