Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

». Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
s a 
Fig. 4: Box fitting experiment (a) Point Cloud (b-d) Images with 
back-projected model in yellow, point measurements in red, and 
sub-sampled point cloud in white 
Para Images Point Both 
meter 1 2 3 Cloud 
1 X 2.106 1.179 0.685 3.079 0.649 
2 X 2.243 1.129 0.261 0.550 0.161 
3 Z 1.669 0.760 0.338 389.84 0.314 
4 q0 7.8e-1 2.6e-1 3.3e-2 | 3.97e-2 |. 3-0e-2 
= ql 1.4e-3 5.0e-4 1.3e-4 | 2.40e-4 1.0e-4 
6 q2 7.8e-4 3.0e-4 6.0e-5 | 5.20E-4 | 5.0e-5 
7 q3 4.3e-3 1.6e-3 3.4e-A | 3.40E-4 | 2.0e-4 
8 | Xsize | 2.855 1.023 | 0.689 2.890 0.661 
9 | Ysize | 9.836 2.696 | 0.627 co 0.532 
10 | Zsize | 2.309 1.161 | 0.349 oo 0.318 
Table 2: Standard deviation for Box fitting experiment 
As the z-axis 1s aligned with the length of the cylinder there is a 
very high correlation between both of them. As a result the 
estimation of z-position is also very weak compared to the 
estimation of x and y position. But if we combine the point 
cloud with measurements from the images (Table 1, column 
"Both") the situation improves dramatically as the edges in the 
images provide enough information about the length and the 
resulting standard deviations are much lower, indicating much 
better estimation precision. 
Cylinder axis can be specified using two parameters, but as we 
are using 3 without enforcing the constraint there is an over- 
parameterisation. Although the standard deviation of axis 
parameters look quite good, but due to over parameterisation 
their correlation is very high. For example the correlation 
between t] and t2 is 0.52, which indicates that the low values of 
standard deviations are due to some numerical effects. 
As expected as we use more images the standard deviation of 
parameter estimation goes down. It also shows that even a 
single image in combination with a good scan can lead to 
significant improvement in the estimation of those parameters 
which are not well-determined from the point cloud. 
4.2 Box Fitting 
The second example is that of a box, with only two of its faces 
fully scanned. Additionally, three images are taken from 
different positions (Fig.4). The box has 10 parameters, 3 for the 
position, 4 for the rotation, and 3 for the sizes. Again, similar to 
the example of cylinder discussed above, we have an over- 
parameterisation for rotation, as we use 4 instead of required 3 
parameters, and cannot enforce the constraint. Again we find a 
very high correlation between different q parameters that lowers 
the confidence in the otherwise low standard deviation values. 
For example the correlation between q0 and ql 1s 0.511. 
In the absence of points on all faces of the box, it is not possible 
to reliably determine the size parameters of the box. That's what 
we see in the standard deviation resulting from fitting using 
only point clouds (Table 2), where the standard deviation for y 
and z sizes is o» meaning that they could not be estimated. The 
value of standard deviation for x size is low only because of the 
coordinate system chosen for the box, which has its origin in the 
left corner. This fixes the position of right side and thus the x 
size is also determined. Due to high correlation between z- 
position and z-size, its estimation 1s also bad. 
Once again, we see from the last column of the Table 2 that the 
inclusion of image measurements leads to a much better 
estimation of size and position parameters. 
Both of these examples prove our thesis, that although point 
clouds contain direct 3D information, which is very useful for 
automatic object recognition, the final adjustment must use a 
combination of both data sources to account for missing or 
noisy information in point clouds. 
4.3 Modelling of an industrial site 
We applied the presented methodology for making 3D model of 
an industrial site shown in Fig. 5. Seven scans were made using 
a Cyrax laser scanner. Each scan consisted of one million points 
with a standard deviation of 5mm. Additionally about 60 
images were taken from different positions. Following the 
modelling pipeline discussed in Section 2 we started with 
approximate registration using ICP. The approximately 
registered scan was segmented using Smoothness constraint 
based region growing. Cylinders and planes were automatically 
detected using the Hough transform, and then used to refine the 
scan-to-scan registration. For images the orientation was 
approximated using vanishing points. This was followed by 
scan-to-image registration using a few image measurements and 
keeping all object parameters fixed, while estimating only 
exterior orientation parameters of the images. 
The process of combining automatically detected cylinders and 
planes to full CSG objects as well as the process of adding 
measurements to images was done manually. Once we have 
image measurements as well as segmented points clouds, we 
proceed with the Integrated adjustment using both data sources 
simultaneously. This integrated adjustment minimizes the sum 
of square of the distances of point cloud from the model surface 
and sum of square of the image measurement distance from the 
back projected edges of the model, while estimating the pose 
and shape parameters of the CSG object as well as the 
registration parameters of the individual scans and exterior 
orientation of the images. This process is an extension of the 
idea of bundle adjustment in traditional Photogrammetry but 1s

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