Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
of a cloud has a set of evenly-distributed neighbourhood 
points. This problem can be overcome by using the angle 
criterion between the neighbour points as Linsen (2001) 
did for the triangulation of point clouds. Furthermore, we 
could use a method in which each point has different num- 
ber of neighbourhood pairs. The angle criterion has been 
used in this paper but using different number of neighbour- 
hood for each point was not implanted. Therefore, a larger 
number of neighbourhood points has been used. 
2.3 Algorithm description 
The amount of data to process in order to find correspon- 
dence is very large, which limits the robustness of regis- 
tration algorithms. The higher curvature points may have 
more valuable information than the lower curvature points 
since they could be edges or corners. Therefore, in the 
early stages of iteration, we only take into account higher 
curvature points and then, as iteration proceeds, lower cur- 
vature points also are included to improve the registration. 
Our method for the registration of three-dimensional, par- 
tially overlapping and unorganised point clouds without 
good a priori alignment can be briefly described as follows: 
I. Find the & neighbourhood points of every point in 
C! and C7. Estimate the geometric primitives of the 
2. Take initial sample points, p! , whose 
(le ner} 
Jz P HII is greater t1 eru Oo 
change of curvature is greater than 775, where 
Tter--; 1$ the number of sample in ith iteration. 
a. p; isthe 
nue Mt semi 
^ 3 "ac . . ] 1 
3. Find corresponding points of py r 
corresponding point of pl if 
0(pj ' p;) = qterzi 
where Tir=t and T= are the thresholds for the 
angle between the normal vectors and the difference 
in the changes of geometric curvature between the 
corresponding points, respectively. 
4. Calculate the approximate transformation, Titer=is 
and transform C. Rotate the normal vectors of all 
points of C? as well. 
Update the threshold values in order to apply a more 
strict criterion for determination of possible corre- 
sponding points as follow. 
quiter—i+l npuier-:i A 
T EY Em AL sma 
normal * normal 
miter=i+1 _  rpviter=i "m 
T Tum T. =. AT... 
riter=i+1 ter —i AT 
7 EE T 2 = AT Sample 
sample sample 
6. Calculate the registration error, €''*"7, which is de- 
fined as the rms distance of points and their cor- 
responding surfaces in our method. f c" is 
greater than threshold, then go to step 2. Other- 
wise stop the registration. In addition, if «=? is 
smaller than 7, .,,, for example, the average distance 
of a point from its neighbourhood, then Chen and 
Medioni’s method is used since it converges quickly 
than Horn's algorithm does if the point clouds are 
close (Rusinkiewicz and Levoy, 2001). Otherwise 
Horn's method is used. 
If the initial alignment is close to the correct one, only a 
small number of points need to be searched. Otherwise 
a large number of points must be searched in order to 
find correct correspondence of sample points. The opti- 
mal number of points being searched could be evaluated 
from the statistical properties of the distribution of regis- 
tration error metric (Zhang, 1994). However, the distance 
distribution of the corresponding points is usually not a 
unimodal Gaussian but bimodal or multimodal distribu- 
tions. Furthermore, good initial alignment is not assumed 
in the proposed method, it is difficult to remove outliers in 
the early stages of iteration. Therefore, a large number of 
points need to be searched in order to determine the corre- 
spondence of two point clouds. 
2.4 Scale of selected corresponding points 
The scale of selected corresponding points is usually as- 
sumed to be unity and this assumption is reasonable ın 
most cases (Horn, 1987). It can be also used as the error 
metric to represent the quality of registration (Crosilla and 
Beinat, 2002). The scale can be interpreted as a parameter 
for the quality in the determination of the corresponding 
points. For example, if we have incorrect correspondence 
information, then the scale is not unity. The scale factor in 
kth iteration, Siter—æ, Can be expressed as 
S en NET F pi ; Lien (CP(p} : C?)) (7) 
where T:rer=z is the calculated transformation of the Ath 
iteration, C.P(pl. C?) is the position vector of the corre- 
sponding point of p] ,and n;;2,—, 1s the number of samples 
in the kth iteration. Although the scale of corresponding 
points is unity, it does not guarantee that we have one-to- 
one matched correspondence. If the scale is much greater 
or smaller than unity, the calculated translation could be 
2.5 Threshold values 
The list of threshold values used in the proposed method 
is shown in Table 1. 77'*"^? and AT arc the most impor- 
tant and critical thresholds. The other threshold values are 
not critical to the success rate of the proposed method, al- 
though they affect the robustness of the registration. It is 
difficult to state explicitly which values are the optimal val- 
ues since they depend on dataset. Currently we are work- 
ing on finding the optimal and generalized expressions for 
these thresholds. Our suggestions of 7//*" ^? and AT from 
the experiences with the proposed method are 
A. - poa ps A 
Jes 0 to ec z E C. (8) 
€ 2 t M qx 2 | 2. D od 
AT... SEINS À LA "ums 7 Mz rms (9) 
1 ec 
AT sari 
A Tor 
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