Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
the associated RMS between the Scanworld SW (RMS, Min 
and Max error). 
SW | SW | RMS Min Max 
(cm) (cm) (cm) 
1 4 1.416 ].5e-006 | 9.750 
1 6 0.821 1.5e-006 | 9.801 
2 3 0.954 | 2.1e-007 | 9.692 
2 6 0.688 | 3.8e-006 | 9.488 
3 3 0.987 1.2e-004 | 9.213 
4 5 0.957 1.2e-004 | 8.554 
Table 11. Final result of the alignment 
The Figure 12 shows the laser scanner survey obtained after 
the global registration for all the *Portello" including a small 
outline of the related bridge in front of it. 
Figure 12. Final result of the global registration obtained with 
the Cloud Constrain Wizard 
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