Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
precision on pixel size and B/D ratio versus the dependency of 
the across-track photogrammetric precision on pixel size only. 
50 3 a 
pixel size (mm) 
45 stereo overlap (m) 
B/D ratio x 100 
along-track dev. (cm) 
40 across-track dev.. (cm) 
10 - 
5 i 
0 5 10 15 20, 25 30 35 40 
Distance cameras to object (m) 
Figure 3: Relationship between distance (units in m) and 
photogrammetric precision (units in cm) across and along-track 
(along-track precision strongly depends on B/D ratio), stereo 
overlap (units in m), pixel size (units in mm) and B/D ratio 
(B/D ratio times 100). 
2.4 Image acquisition subsystem 
The image acquisition subsystem . selects photo parameters, 
generates the trigger pulse and handles data. In order to freeze 
the stereo scene, both cameras are synchronized at the time of 
image capture. The photographs are taken by the image 
acquisition subsystem, which generates a pulse (rain (trigger) at 
a frequency depending on the traveled distance or at a given 
constant frequency. 
If the acquisition frequency is configured spatially, the trigger 
period depends on the distance covered by the van and partially 
on road turns. This required information is obtained from 
vehicle speed and heading, continuously provided by the 
orientation subsystem. A typical spatial period would be 10 
meters or a turn higher than 60 degrees, which corresponds to 
the camera field of view. 
The hardware components of the image acquisition subsystem 
are two Frame Grabbers, one Counter/Timer and two removable 
disks, all of which are managed by a Control PC. A Frame 
Grabber, required to control the digital cameras, is the interface 
between the cameras and the acquisition software. The 
Counter/Timer is a device for generating pulse trains used to 
trigger the camera and to synchronize the timeboard. The 
software components of the image acquisition subsystem are 
integrated in the general GEOMOBIL software application that 
is in charge of the hardware equipment configuration, 
acquisition control, GPS time synchronization process and 
system status displaying. 
The data storage capacity of the system has been evaluated to 
be higher than 100 Gbytes. Considering that a GEOMOBIL 
survey session can last seven hours at 1 Mbyte image size, 
driving at a 72 Km/h vehicle speed and with a spatial 
acquisition frequency of 10 meters/image, a minimum storage 
capacity of 101 Gbytes is needed per session. Hence, the system 
storage capacity is composed of two removable 73.4 Gbytes 
disks. If necessary, the disks can be exchanged to increase the 
Storage capacity. According to the current hardware 
configuration and lo the data recording rate of disks, a 
maximum of four pairs of images per second can be taken by 
the system. This number is enough to cover the requirements of 
the system, and can be easily enhanced by using larger and 
faster disks as soon as they arc available. 
2.5 Synchronization subsystem 
The synchronization subsystem aims to synchronize in a 
common temporal reference. (GPS time) all the sensors 
integrated in the GEOMOBIL (GPS/IMU/Image sensors/laser). 
This subsystem integrates a timeboard and handles different 
synchronism signals: PPS, Trigger and Resync. 
The timeboard is a device that allows timetagging of received 
TTL signals with 20 ns resolution. Thus, all the received signals 
are precisely referenced to the temporal reference system 
defined by the timeboard. However, the requirement is to 
synchronize the sensors in a global temporal reference (GPS 
time). Therefore, the synchronization subsystem process is 
divided into two steps, namely initialization and data 
The goal of the initialization process is to establish the 
difference between GPS time and timeboard start time, which is 
defined as the instant when the timeboard resets its internal time 
to zero and starts working. In this initialization step, Ty is 
defined as the result of the subtraction between synchronism or 
the GPS-timetagged Resync pulse and the same pulse but 
timetagged by the timeboard. During subsystem operation, the 
drift of the timeboard internal clock is also monitored and 
corrected using the I PPS signal provided by the GPS. 
2.6 Sensor Calibration Procedure 
A sensor calibration protocol must be defined for each sensor 
on board of the GEOMOBIL. 
In general, a sensor calibration protocol is divided into two sets 
of calibration procedures: the sensor inner parameter calibration 
(if necded), and the relationship between all the sensors on the 
platform, in particular the relative orientation of the two 
cameras and the boresight calibration of the sensor in relation to 
the orientation subsystem. 
In the case of digital CCD cameras, calibration comprises the 
calibration of optical parameters —focal length, principal point 
and lens distortion— and the relative orientation of the cameras 
and boresight calibration; that is, determination of the 
eccentricity vector and the misalignment matrix between the 
image reference system (defined by each camera) and the 
inertial reference system (defined by the GEOMOBIL 
orientation subsystem). 
In the case of the laser scanner, only boresight calibration is 
2.7 GEOMOBIL: data extraction software 
The data extraction software assists the interactive digitization 
of features for creating, updating or revising georeferenced 
data. The system allows the point measurement on the images 
obtained with the GEOMOBIL, and the classification of the 
feature attributes according their semantic contents. 
The original idea, to use a stereo environment that allowed 
superimposition of vector data, based in the photogrammetric 
model obtained from the orientation data of two images, was 
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