International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
5). Whether the photogrammetric systems will replace those
methods in the future for clinical measurement of body shape
will depend on clear advantages that can be demonstrated by
using photogrammetry. It will not be sufficient to argue that
rigorous methods of camera calibration and image processing
have been used, and therefore the technique is more sound
theoretically. In this respect the method will have to be
transparent to the operator, be reliable under a variety of
conditions, be fast and of sufficient accuracy, and as well,
provide the necessary parameters, either those with which
surgeons are familiar, or new parameters that can be proved to
be more appropriate, to enable them to make an appropriate
diagnosis and decisions about treatment.
According to (Heuvel, 2002): “Although medical
photogrammetry can look back on a history of almost a century,
but photogrammetry never gained solid ground in medicine.
This is also reflected on the reports of the chairs of the ISPRS
working groups on this topic. In 1976, a working group of
Commission V, named *Biostereometrics", was established. In
1988, *Medical Imaging" was added to the name, and the
current name of ISPRS working group V/3 is Medical Image
Analysis and Human Motion". Although the term “Medical
Imaging” has existed in the Terms of Reference of the Working
Group ever since, the contribution of photogrammetrists to this
filed has been limited. However, there is definitely a potential
for the application of photogrammetric knowledge in the field
of medical imaging. In 1990, the editorial of the theme issue of
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing ended
with “For those, who are not scared away by the transition form
pixels to voxels, medical imaging will represents itself as a truly
interesting discipline and a scientifically very rewarding area,
which is of great importance to the progress and well-being of
man-kind". Maybe photogrammetrists did not find the way to
the voxels as they were occupied in other application fields.
Nonetheless, the societal relevance of medical applications of
photogrammetry is obvious, and therefore, anybody with the
knowledge necessary to bring this field forward should not
hesitate to do so". The possible advantage of digital
photogrammetric methods are the superior accuracies that can
be achieved with precise photogrammetric measuring
techniques, if such accuracies ! are indeed relevant for
medicine, potentially superior speed of processing, more robust
algorithms using image matching and therefore greater
reliability of the computations, and the relatively simple
configuration of the photogrammetric systems, which can lead
to cheaper implementation of the technique. It is the method of
analyzing and presenting the data that finally determines its
value to the clinician, and whether all three stages of
measurement, analysis and presentation can be completed in a
few minutes. The measurement tasks are the photogrammetrists’
business, but of particular importance are the methods of
analysis and presentation of data. Appropriate procedures have
to developed to ensure that surgeons are able to use the
information derived from the measurements. It is therefore a
matter of adding value and facility to the data derived by the
measurements (Trinder, 1994). Despite its appeal, the
implementation of photogrammetry in medicine is not always
straightforward. Only a few fully developed systems are
available commercially, mainly for dynamics analysis and back
shape measurement, and it is often necessary to develop a
special system for each application. This a matter of applying
photogrammetric techniques to medical situations with some
adaptation. It entails making suitable equipment and processing
software to suit the special needs of the application. Multiple
cameras must be obtained, control and calibration arranged and
access to a data reduction system organized. Potential
difficulties, such as the requirement to obtain imagery with
good contrast and texture, also need to be resolved.
Furthermore, the photogrammetrist will need to feel
comfortable working with human patients and medical
practitioners in unfamiliar surroundings. If these constraints can
be overcome, there are few alternatives to photogrammetry in
many cases of external measurement in medicine and because
of this photogrammetry has been widely investigated as a tool
for medical measurement over the past century and a large
number of papers have been produced.
However, only a small percentage of the applications have
resulted in routine usage and there are very few medical
institutions and related health units that use photogrammetry.
Thus the real impact of medical photogrammetry on the world
seems quite limited. Anyhow, it is obvious that close range
photogrammetry is an effective medical measurement tool,
which has certain advantages over alternative methods. Some
practical examples of the medical usage of photogrammetry are
given below:
1. Face. Photogrammetric measurement has been used
to monitor facial shape as it changes over an extended
period of time and also to investigate changes over
short periods of time, such as before and after
cosmetic surgeries.
Back. Photogrammetry has been used to detect,
measure and monitor the scoliosis and spinal
3. Teeth. Photogrammetry has been used to detect the
occurrence of wear, erosion and abrasion in both
natural tooth surface and in tooth restoration
materials, that requires repetitive measurements for
change detection and monitoring.
4. Interior parts. Health and medical experts have
access to a wide range of internal imaging and
measurement systems. Many have little relevance to
the photogrammetrist, but a small number of them are
of interest because of the growing use of digital image
technologies similar to those used in digital
photogrammetry. They include X, CT and MRI
5. Motion Analysis. Photogrammetry has been used in
the measurement and study of various gait problems,
arising primarily from deformities or injuries, and
irregularities in walking patterns that can be relevant
to other medical conditions, such as diabetes.
6. Skin. Photogrammetry has been used to study the
changes of sores, ulcers and melanomas and other
skin conditions.
When a patient is supported in such a manner that a pressure
sufficient to obstruct blood flow in capillaries results, bedsores
or pressure ulcers occur. This condition arises at bony
prominences; by far the most common location is the sacrum.
An ulcer is a chronic wound of the skin that, at best, takes many
months to fully heal and causes great distress to the patient. As
an example, treating ulcers places a large financial burden upon
the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, estimated
to be in excess of £300M annually and is predicted to rise to
£500 million per annum. (Plassmann, 1998). Measurement of
the size of ulcers is a guide to assessing the progress of wound
healing, and the use of non-invasive measurement techniques
avoids damaging or infecting the wound or causing pain for the
patient. With so many treatments to choose from, doctors need
a precise and objective means of deciding whether a particular
treatment is effective.