Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Moreover, it is greatly influenced by environment. Scanning in 
rain and snowfall cannot be performed in principle. It is not 
suitable to use VIVID900 when the sunlight is on an object. 
Fig.1 VIVID900 
Fig.2 Cyrax2500 
2.2 The Measurement Method 
In order to create 3D digital data utilizing laser-scanning 
technology, we start by obtaining a set of 3D position data 
points called "point clouds". First of all, a laser scanner is set up 
and fixed in the most desirable place. Measurable area is 
scanned for several seconds to several 10 minutes (dependent 
on a type of scanner). Most of the time, it is required to perform 
laser measurement of the whole object, and that is done by 
installing a scanner in various positions around the target. The 
measurements from various directions will result in highly 
precise 3D data. 
In order to obtain data of the whole surface of the object, it is 
usually necessary to conduct several to dozens, sometimes 
hundreds of scans from all around the object. 
Therefore, the determination of the positioning of a scanner 
becomes important at measurement work. Not only does it 
determine the amount of data obtained, but also it has 
considerable possibility of influencing subsequent work. The 
shape and size of an object, and other conditions must be 
considered to judge the most appropriate way for measurement. 
It reality, it is very difficult to obtain point clouds for all 
detailed areas of the object, and some occlusion tend to occur. 
In order to reduce occlusion to the minimum, it is required to 
check occlusion by aligning all the point cloud data obtained, as 
soon as the measurement is over, within the duration of the 
measurement period, since the result determines whether 
additional measurement is needed or not. 
When an object is large in scale, it might become necessary to 
construct scaffolds for the scanning activity. Moreover, in order 
to ease the data processing work that follows, usage of marker 
targets on an object might become useful. 
In laser scanning, it is important to create detailed plans 
beforehand, with precise knowledge of the location and 
characteristics of an object well in advance, and also to perform 
sufficient examination on the method of data processing. 
2.3 Data Processing 
The quantity of the point cloud data acquired by laser scanning 
becomes huge, when scanning is performed many times. 
Although the point cloud data can be processed by using the 
Software attached to a scanner, it does not have sufficient 
function to create the general-purpose 3D data which can be 
used for CAD, CG, and VR purposes. Therefore, in order to 
process data smoothly, it is necessary to use the software 
designed solely for processing point cloud data. Usually, data 
processing is performed using exclusive software with special 
functions, for example, to interpolate, reduce, edit, and 
polygonize point cloud data. 
In using marker targets for measurement, point cloud data is 
aligned using the coordinate values of targets. However it takes 
a long time to set and measure targets in this way. On the other 
hand, alignment of the point cloud data is usually performed by 
finding the duplicated part of adjoining data. This method can 
save time and effort, and will lead to shortened alignment 
processing time. But there is possibility of error accumulation, 
in this case. : 
Therefore, in order to keep to minimum the accumulation of 
errors, making all point cloud data applicable to calculation for 
the alignment becomes necessary, at the same time. 
Both methods are often combined, so that main parts of the 
objects are aligned by using targets, and the rest of the parts are 
aligned by finding duplication parts, resulting in efficient and 
more precise work (Fig. 3). 
Following this process, 3D polygon data is obtained through 
merging process. It might become necessary to edit the 
occulusion parts not acquired by scanning, as necessary. 
aligned by duplication parts 
aligned by using targets 
Fig.3 Combined Methods 
3. General 
Since the 3D data created can be visualized real time on a 
computer, the application possibilities expand, from just using it 
for protection of cultural properties, to utilizing it in a wide 
variety of fields, including education, research, and multimedia 
activities. The following items are the practical examples 
regarding application of laser scanning technology to different 
areas. Authors would like to evaluate subjects, problems, and so 
3.2 3D Digital Recording (Uraga Dock) 
3.2.1 Purpose: Since Uraga dock (former Uraga Shipyard of 
Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.) was established in 1897, 
many ships and ferries have been built and repaired. 
The Uraga dock is one of the important industrial heritages of 
modernization, symbolizing the town of Uraga for a long period 
of time. 
Even after its close in March 2003, the dock has drawn great 
attention from both citizens and the local government. The 
future alternative uses of the property have been discussed, 
including its reuse as museum, preserving existing facilities. 
This attention led to the 3D recording of the present Uraga dock 
using laser-scanning technology. 

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