International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 Intern
Figure 2. An example of ancient city dataset thematization in a d: ux
zoom-in view of digital map, spotting the Agora. 8 -
2g C
Figure 5. The Necropolis vector data overlaying rasterized and
georeferenced Turkish map sheets. The rich presence of
elevation points is a useful dataset stored in GIS.
Figure 3: HTML pages are linked to objects representing above
buildings to visualize catalogues of images : One «
= obser
Figure 6. This selection by attributes highlights contours subset
deriving from elevation points of rasterized sheets; points have 2.2 T
been vectorized in a part of the map where there were lack of
altimetric informations. One .
led t
methods. This last layer contains all the plano-altimetric points advai
belonging to three orders of networks (the main network been
k measured with GPS survey, the second order networks and a TIN
third connection network between the two previous ones). resea
Figure 4: Limestone trenches in the western area of the city. Secondly, another large set of plano-altimetric points comprises three
the ground control points used to weld terrain relief data, mpe
events in the world, the formation of limestone basins; even in belonging to Turkish map and measured by topographical altim
the ancient time the city of Hierapolis was presumably very rich — intersections, to the GPS network. Finally numerous points form
in water and trying to walk along its distribution today could measured by detailed surveys are included because their eleva
add new information to reconstruct the city history). elevation is considerable in relationship with ancient structures. The
About altimetry, all contours vectorized from Turkish map, has Obviously, attributes concerning different measurement reali;
been arranged in a dataset; moreover a point objects dataset metodologies and than points value, enable to perform and |
comprise altimetric points measured with various topographical thematization or any kind of query to select them. The
A layers group contains all the Turkish map rasterized sheets; basin
Por i : din itt the raster format of this map at the scale 1:500 has been avail
Photos acquired from aerostatic ballon. Cassanelli (University subordinated to warping processing to recover the irregular and interi
of Pisa), 1997