Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote 
Figure 7. The whole digital map displaying a possible visualization. 
strong original deformation due to wrong reproduction; their 
georeferencing has been possible thank to a very accurate 
recognition aimed to discover their marks on terrain and to the 
above-mentioned topographical intersections. 
One of the functions of raster data is the documentation of some 
elements existing in the past, as the hotels occupying some 
areas of the site and now destroyed; another important role is 
the ability to provide altimetric data through dense 
aerophotogrammetrical elevation points which constitute an 
important and useful archive in case of need. (Fig 5) 
Another important layer is the TIN, generated by contours; the 
jointly thematisms of each dataset produce a final visualization 
observable in the image of Figure 7. 
2.2 TIN creation and 3D visualization 
One of the main effects of innovation in cartography, that has 
led to the development of digital mapping, has been the 
advanced use of altimetric data; the natural consequence has 
been an increasing request and production of 3D mapping. 
TIN creating is a very important topic within the actual 
researches in Geomathics, primary for the high requirements of 
three-dimensional reconstruction of land surface; but it also is 
important to perform advanced spatial analysis employing 
altimetric data, which can assume different shapes (vectorial 
formats: surface, dtm, contours; or raster formats: 
elevationgrid, slopgrid). 
The TIN creation of central territory of Hierapolis has been 
realized using contours; polygons of ancient buildings and ruins 
and land natural objects have been used as the break-lines. 
The TIN west limit, towards the declivity of the limestone 
basins, has been intentionally interrupted on the last contour 
available at 1:1000 scale, while the lack of informations 
interrupts the TIN in the other directions. 
Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 8 (ab) 3D scenes showing volumetric 
relationship between theatre structures and hill slope. 
Generally, modelling ancient buildings or their ruins require 
more articulated needs in comparison with the usual extrusion 
of the outline of built up areas in 3D urban cartography; 
thinking to the important valences of the representation of the 
reconstructive hypotheses concerning buildings, a suitable 
ancient city modelling would have developed using a more 
appropriate environment software (CAD). Anyway, a schematic 
volume modelling of the buildings in a Geographic Information 
System can highlight the relationship between built up 
structures and land. We propose an exemplification considering 
the theatres of the city: the theatre of Flavian age, under 
restoration in the last 30 years of Mission activities, and the 
more ancient hellenistic one. 
Figure 8 emphasizes the deep difference between roman and 
ellenistic theatres: while the more ancient ones take more 
advantages by peculiar terrain orography, the roman building 
tecniques evolution lead to the use of impressive retaining 
We have just suggested that topographic points relational 
database is related to map updating and to the plannig of next 
Web GIS configuration 
Before explaining archive structure we want to expound the 
reasons why we decided to start from topographic data as the 
ones to assign first to web sharing (it would be a sharing limited 
to italian mission working groups). 
Archaeological and architectural survey demand critical reading 
of building structures; they need also a wide acquiring and 
suitable collecting of tematic and metric data that will come 
together in the final representation performing a very closed 

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