Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Lens 35 mm 45 mm 60 mm 100 mm 
2.1 Principle of image acquisition 
Sensor: Linear array RGB CCD with 10,200 pixel per colour channel, 
The principle of image acquisition of a digital panoramic Length 72 mm, Radiometric Resolution: 16 bit per colour channel t 
camera is similar to the one of a flat bed scanner, where a RGB- 
CCD linear array sensor moves linearly over an object. In the 
Number of image 
case of a digital panoramic camera, the sensor moves around a columns (360°) 31400 40400 53800 89700 
fix rotation axis and describes a cylindrical surface. Therefore 
Vertical opening angle 90° 80° 60° 40° 
this kind of camera is also called rotating line camera. 
Data volume 
(360°, 48 Bit) 1.7 GB 2.3 GB 3.1 GB 5.1 GB 
G | NP, G Recording time (360°, 3 min 45min 6min 10 min 
N S mS LL x B 8 ms per column) 
R eu zT i = " Neat 
lier Tab. 1: Basic parameters of EYESCAN M3 
| | The resolution potential of the camera is illustrated by Fig. 4, 
: Sr | where a small part of a panorama of the Zwinger Dresden is 
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nS i | | | shown in 4 zoom steps. 
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Fig. 3: Digital panoramic camera EYESCAN M3 
In this manner the room around the camera can be scanned with 
a horizontal angle up to 360?. The vertical opening angle 
depends on the sensor length as well as on the focal distance of 
the lens. As the sensor consists of one CCD line for each colour 
channel, true RGB information is recorded without using colour 
filter patterns and interpolation techniques. A disadvantage of 
this imaging principle is the long recording time compared to 
CCD arrays. Therefore. moving objects are not correct 
represented on the image. 
2.2 Panoramic line camera EYESCAN M3 
The EYESCAN M3 is equipped with a CCD sensor with 3 x 
10,200 pixel. Similar sensors are also used in cameras on 
airborne platforms such as the ADS40. The size of a 360° 
panorama image depends also on the focal length and can reach 
values between 300 and 900 mega pixel (uncompressed, 16 Bit 
per colour). Further details to the camera configuration are 
shown (Schneider & Maas, 2003b). Some technical data are 
summarised in the following table. 
Fig. 4: Resolution potential of the camera EYESCAN M3 
illustrated through 4 zoom steps 
Optionally it is possible to mount an illumination system on the 
camera head (see Fig. 5), which projects a light line onto the 
object. This system consists of a light source and an optical 
fibre cable, which transmits the light to 3 light profile adapters. 
This illumination system can be very useful for capturing retro- 
reflecting targets, e.g. for camera calibration purposes. . 

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