Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
5.4 Complete line drawings from 3D models 
Additional lines are needed to complement the outlines if a line 
representation is needed. If a drawing similar to a stereo plot is 
desired, the rules a stereo plotter operator uses to select and 
draw lines have to be analyzed. If these rules are known, a 
mathematical model can be created which selects the proper 
lines from the 3D surface model accordingly. Trying to find 
those rules is possible only to a certain extent since every 
operator will select different lines intuitively and without a 
fixed set of rules. In addition to the outlines, all sharp edges are 
significant for the object and will undoubtedly be selected. 
Other features (e.g. eyes and other parts of faces) are important 
to understand the drawing. Therefore, an operator will add lines 
to show such elements although there is not enough geometrical 
evidence in the 3D model to justify those lines. 
If a procedure is to be developed to select meaningful lines 
from a meshed 3D model, it has to detect edges (in addition to 
the outlines). Edges in meshed models can be described as local 
curvature which can be quantified by the angles included 
between neighboring triangles. It cannot be expected that the 
d J 
resulting plan will have the quality of a plan produced by an 
operator with artistic skills, but if this product can be derived 
automatically, it can serve as a template which can be used as a 
background for drawing a meaningful and expressive 2D line 
drawing with metric qualities. 
The software developed at i3mainz computes the normals for all 
triangles of a mesh. For every triangle, the spatial angles to the 
three neighboring triangle normals are identified and a weighted 
mean value is computed. Positive (convex) and negative (con- 
cave) values can occur. Then, a histogram of all values is 
produced. Based on this, the user can define a number of classes 
for local curvature and select intensity values (green for convex, 
red for concave) which are used to shade the triangles 
concerned. This can easily be accomplished if the OBJ format 
is used for the mesh. Since shaded triangles are used, the result 
is not a true vector plan. This is not a real problem since — for 
the reasons mentioned above - the result cannot be used as a 
final drawing anyhow. Instead, it is used together with the plan 
of the outlines as a background for the creation of the final 
vector product. 
Fig. 6: Left: Part of a virtual relief model. Center: Automatically detected outlines. Right: Automatically detected edges; 
unfortunately, the red and green colors (for concave and convex edges) cannot be shown in this black-and-white print. 
We want to thank Westcam Datentechnik GmbH for the fruitful 
cooperation during the measurement process. Linsinger 
Vermessung, a private surveying company, did an excellent job 
performing the photogrammetric documentation of the 
monument. Monica  Bordas Vicent from  i3mainz 
conscientiously created the 3D models from the point clouds. 
Mirko Siebold and Stefan Tschópe, also from i3mainz, 
developed the software for the line drawings. Our 
acknowledgement goes - last not least - to the local authorities 
of Tyrol (Land Tirol, Landesbaudirektion) for the financial 
support and the continuous help solving the administrative 
Boehler W., Bordas Vicent M., Hanke K., Marbs A., 2003: 
Documentation of German Emperor Maximilian I’s Tomb. 
CIPA Symposium 2003, Antalya, Turkey. The ISPRS 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Vol. XXXIV - 5/C15 (ISSN 1682 - 1750) and The CIPA 
International Archives for Documentation of Cultural Heritage 
Vol. XIX - 2003 (ISSN 0256 - 1840), pp. 474-479. 
Hanke, K. 2003: Dokumentation des Grabmals Kaiser 
Maximilian I. in der Innsbrucker Hofkirche. In: Chesi, Weinold 
(Hrsg.) "12. Internationale Geodátische Woche Obergurgl 
2003". Wichmann- Verlag. ISBN3-87907-401-1 
Marbs, Andreas, 2002: Experiences with Laser Scanning at 
i3mainz. Proc. of the CIPA WG6 Int. Workshop on Scanning 
for Cultural Heritage Recording. 
i3mainz, 2004: 3D scanning web site: 
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