Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
GESTAM $-MD ^X 000 
Updated on 08 Mar. 2004 T ; > 2 
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Figure 1. Index map of aerial photographs 
212.2 Aerial Photographs: Aerial Photographs of the 1950s 
are also important base images of the system. Checking the 
geo-references of these old aerial photographs is also time- 
consuming, as they do not include accurate geo-reference 
information. A sequential indexing number and visual 
information such as the texture of land surface, roads, and 
streams are keys to identify the location. 
As of April 2004, about 1,060 aerial photographs of the 1950s 
are incorporated into the system based on the geo-references, as 
shown in Figure 1. Though the total coverage is roughly one- 
third of the region, this includes almost all of the academically 
important areas. 
EI Description index 
Tpdated on 08 Mar. 2004 aj 
Figure 2. Index map of site descriptions 
* /3EnzuN cga/S V-36N-0T7. 
* /35mmNega/ZV-35N-013 : 
Figure 3. Sample images from scenic photographs 
2.2.3 Academic Descriptions: Academic descriptions are 
mostly from the lifetime research results of Srisakra, and are the 
most important contents of the system. 
As of April 2004, about 1,000 sites with his descriptions are 
ready for browsing, as shown in Figure 2. Each description is 
associated with a point geo-reference. 
2.2.4 Scenic Photographs: Scenic photographs are another 
important type of material and a very personal record. Only the 
photographer himself can clearly remember the scene and 
describe the information in it. Furthermore, some of Srisakra's 
photographs are unique records of relics, some of which have 
since been stolen or severely damaged. 
As of April 2004, about 3,000 frames have been scanned 
digitally without any information which may identify the geo- 
references. Figure 3 shows sample images. Integration of them 
is still in progress. 
2.3 Outline of the Current System 
An important goal of the project is to allow public access to the 
information system through the Internet. A rough diagram of 
the current system is shown in Figure 4. Major contents, Le., 
site descriptions and image files, are linked together by geo- 
e * * * 
Pl Simple User Authentication 1 
EcoNETVIS Web Page 
Indexes of 
Site Descriptions 
j [ j Topographic Maps 
: : Aerial Photographs 
Site Descriptions 
Topographic Maps 
| Aerial Photographs 
EcoNETVIS Web Server 
Figure 4. Diagram of the current EcoNETVIS 

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