International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004
distortion) were not significant. Errors in check points were +5
mm and +12 mm, expressed as standard and maximum residual
errors in coordinates, respectively.
Data reduction was carried out in a DPW (Socet Set” v. 4.4.2).
A new camera file was created with the selfcalibration results
and the computed outer orientation parameters were also
imported (as initial approximations). Next, an automatic point
measurement process was launched in order to increase the
triangulation network density. Then new orientation parameters
were computed with all data.
A digital surface model (DSM) of the vault was created using
matching techniques and manual edition. The DSM post
spacing was 0.025 m with a total of 76500 points.
This DSM allowed a contour map of the vault with an interval
of 5 cm and subsequent profiles of main sections of the vault.
These sections and contour map have illustrated clearly the
large deformation of the vault, which at present is near to
collapse. Finally, an orthophotograph (3 mm GSD) was created
(Figure 8).
3.3.3 Image rectification. The belfry, all inner walls and some
outer walls in the north side were photographed with the semi-
metric (reseau plate) and non metric, analogue and digital,
cameras. Both stereoscopic pairs and convergent photographs
were taken and the two networks were used in order to reach a
favourable geometry for bundle adjustment and control point
densification. In these areas image rectification was found to be
suitable, since most walls and arches could be projected onto a
surface without accuracy loss (the required accuracy should be
better than +4 cm) and the final project cost had to be moderate.
Analytical rectification has been made by means of the well
known two-dimensional projective transformation (Novak,
_ A,X + A3Y + à;
extreytl (1)
y. bix+ bay+ b,
where u, v = image coordinates
X, y = planimetric object coordinates
2;, Ge 83, Dj Ds Ds c, €; 7 projeciive
transformation coefficients
Once transformations were computed, each single image was
warped using ENVI? program (Environment for Visualizing
Images, from Research Systems Inc.) The resampling was made
by bilinear transformation. The computed radial distortion
coefficients (by selfcalibration) were taken into account to
avoid curved edges due to the large distortion values of the non
metric lenses used.
In most cases, a single image was not enough to cover the
whole wall or arch surface. So rectified image mosaics were
necessary. Seam lines between rectified images were smoothed
by selecting an edge feathering distance of 20-30 pixels.
Finally, a radiometric adjustment was made to homogenize the
mosaics. The adjustment was made with usual image
processing software, Adobe® Photoshop®.
Figure 9 shows the mosaic formation results. In this case the
mosaic corresponds to the south side of the belfry and an inner
wall of the sacristy. A total of 6 photographs and 16 control
points were used. In some photographs the number of control
points was 4 or less, so in order to apply the projective
transformation with redundancy, additional photographs were
necessary. A bundle adjustment was carried out for the control
point network densification. Most part of photographs was
taken with the Canon D30 and 20 mm lens (Figure 9B/F).
However, the higher section of the tower (Figure 9A) was
photographed from out of the church with the Pentax camera
and 200 mm lens. This camera was used since object-camera
distance outside the church was excessively considering the
Canon D30 resolution. Besides, it was impossible a shot from
the sacristy ground because lack of visibility and the photo had
been highly oblique.
Figure 9. Inner wall in the sacristy and south side of the belfry.
Mosaic of geometric (rectified) and radiometric corrected
images (G).
Also the UMK images have been used for image rectification
mosaics. So in outer walls (east and north sides) all available
cameras were used. Figure 10A shows a mosaic in the outer
cast walls with UMK (walls, taken from the mobile hoist,
Figure 4) and Hasselblad (tower) photographs. Rectified single
images from the different walls (with several orientations) were
mosaicking. Planes were projected onto a surface parallel to the
belfry west side. Figure 10B shows the north side walls (Canon
D30) and belfry (Pentax camera).
In other areas of interest, some complications appeared. So, in
the arches crossing the nave (Figure 1C), space limitations and
height of the arches made necessary large number of photos
(Figures 11, 12 and 13). Besides, in some parts of the arches the
photos had to be highly oblique. These condition added
problems to the mosaic formation. On another hand, these
inconvenient made more complicate the set up of the
control/check point network.
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