Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

tanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
The photographic scale is 1:30000. The area is the average 
heights ranging between 1200 m and 2000 m above sea level, 
generating large relief displacements. The DETM was generated 
from the photogrammetric restitution, with contour intervals of 2 
m (Figure 7). The size grid was 2 m. The aerial photography was 
scanned with an optical resolution of 1200 dpi. 
The results of the affine transformation, performed to determine 
the parameters of correspondence between the digital image (rows 
and columns) and the photographic image (system of photography 
in millimeters) are shown in the Table 1. The internal camera 
parameters obtained through DLT are shown in the Table 2. 
Table 1. Affine transformation from” digital image to 
hotographic image 
Control Digital image Analogic image system 
points system (pixels) (mm) 
x x X y 
1 0 0 -47.280 47.020 
2 | 4460 0 94.550 0.0 
3 4460 4456 94.550 94.040 
4 0 4436 0.0 94.040 
497 1486.78895787, a,=34.06663634, a;=-7.90508804, 
by =-1478.63191356, b;=13.03227868, b,=55.03313438 
Table 3. Coordinates of control points in fiducial system afte 
Table 2. Internal camera parameters obtained by DLT 
fy (mm) | f(mm) Skew Xo(mm) | Yo(mm) 
39,66 40,65 0.91062 | 0.05283 | 0.27962 
The orientation parameters determined using the coordinates of all 
seven control points in both fiducial system and terrain system and 
the Eq 3 and 4, are shown in the Table 3. From these parameters, 
the DETM nodes were projected on the photographic image using 
the Eq. 3 and 4, obtaining the rectified image show in the Fig. 13. 
The stereomate corresponding is presented in the Fig. 12. Finally, 
the Figure 11 is an anagliph made with both images. 
Figure 11. Digital anaplyph of the site. 
r colinearity transformation 
Fiducial system Terrain system Discrepances 
x (mm) y(mm) X(m) Y(m) Z(m) Ax (mm) Ay(mm) 
1 7.50 15.39 881.34 930.02 2009.9 0.07 0.01 
2 16.40 20.11 943.61 1004.70 2011.6 -.0.02 0.01 
3 25.70 11.58 1063.26 967.77 1992.1 0.02 0.03 
4 2].24 5.19 1048.58 893.89 1982.7 0.02 0.02 
5 17.84 -1.82 1049.99 817.40 1959.5 -0.03 -0.06 
6 10.37 -12.33 1027.52 681.16 1924.1 0.04 0.02 
7 13.30 2.86 986.96 844.17 1976.3 -0.02 0.02 
RMSEX - € 0.057 mm, RMSEY - € 0.027 mm 
Exterior orientation values 
Xo= 897.422 m + 0.011 m x = 0.395029647942704 rad + 0.000040 rad 
Yo= 539.531 m 40.011 m p = 0.05.931734883602581 rad + 0.000059 rad 
Zo = 2393.797 m + 0.002 m € 0.07.045014123448921 rad + 0.000011 rad 
an 445 3, 0.92337454 | —0.37741467 0.07026816 
Rotation matrix A -|a, a, a, |=| 0.38142073. 0.92268157 —0.05636445 
a, a, a,| |-004356237 0.07884723  0.99593445 

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