bul 2004
. The
2 Sensing
A. Georgopoulos, M. Tsakiri, C. loannidis, A. Kakli
School of Rural & Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Commission V
KEY WORDS: Cultural Heritage, DEM/DTM, Orthorectification, Laser Scanning, Point Cloud
The production of orthophotographs at large scales for architectural photogrammetric applications faces a number of problems. The
main difficulty arises when the ratio of the elevation differences on the object surface to the distance from the camera is large, or
when there are surfaces with poor definition or little texture. In these cases the standard automatic DTM production algorithms fail
to produce a useful product. A digital surface model (DSM) from laser scanning could be used as an alternative. This paper explores
the contribution of laser scanner data, the improvement in the accuracy and the level of automation for the production of large scale
orthophotos. A case study is presented using data collected from a 15" century Byzantine church comprising a variety of surfaces. In
addition to conventional geodetic and photogrammetric data acquisition, a Cyrax 2500 laser scanner was used to collect data from
varying surfaces. Comparisons between orthophotographs from conventional procedure and combined use of photogrammetry and
laser scanning are made to highlight the advantage of the latter in eliminating the need for lengthy photogrammetric DSM extraction
and editing, in particular for the geometric recording of monuments and archaeological sites.
Orthophotography is a powerful tool of aerial photogrammetry
applied in several fields, especially after the appearance of the
digital photogrammetric procedures. Clearly, it has the
qualitative merits of a image document and the metric attributes
of a map, as it is an photographic orthoprojection. However,
orthophotography is not fully accepted by the user community
for applications related to geometric documentation of cultural
heritage monuments. Architects and archaeologists are reluctant
to concede working with orthophotographs instead of the
traditional vector line drawings. As a consequence
orthophotography usually is not included in the standard
specifications of the geometric recording of monuments. The
situation is becoming worse due to the need for special
instruction for planning and executing the photographic
coverage to face the problems of orthophoto production for the
monuments at large scales (i.e. 21:100). The major of such
problems are (Mavromati et al., 2002a, 2002b and 2003):
* Large elevation differences compared to distances between
the camera and the object
* Presence of “vertical” surfaces, i.e. surfaces parallel to the
camera axis
* Convergence of camera axes, often due to space limitations
* Failure of automatic DTM production, as all available
commercial algorithms are tailored to aerial images
* Necessity for large number of stereomodels in order to
minimize occluded areas
* Difficulty of surveying convex objects.
For the first two problems special measures should be taken
during both field work and processing of the data. They are the
main source of practically most difficulties encountered in
producing orthophotographs and the relevant mosaics. The
elevation. differences call for elaborate description of the
objects surface, in order to allow for the orthophotography
algorithm to produce accurate and reliable products.
Usually, problems due to the image central projection and the
relief of the object (e.g. occlusions or complex surface) can be
solved by acquiring multiple photographs from many points of
view. This may be compared to the true orthophoto production
for urban areas (Baletti et al., 2003). However, processing can
be seriously delayed for DTM generation requiring possibly
intensive manual interaction or even a complete failure to
produce a reliable model.
The recent appearance of terrestrial laser scanning has already
shown promising contribution in overcoming such problems
(e.g. Barber et al., 2002; Bitelli et al., 2002; Drap et al., 2003;
Guidi et al, 2002) and also confronting other similar
applications (Baletti & Guerra, 2002). The volume of points,
which can be over 2 million points per scan, and high sampling
frequency of laser scanning offers a great density of spatial
information. For this reason there is enormous potential for use
of this technology in applications where such dense data sets
could provide an optimal surface description for applications of
archaeological and architectural recordings.
Although laser scanning data may provide the surface models
for orthophotography thus eliminating the need for lengthy
photogrammetric surface extraction and editing, it is important
to ensure that the resolution of a laser scan makes provision for
the features of interest so that these features are visible in the
resulting point cloud. Furthermore, the points in the cloud
should be checked so those incorrectly measured due to
multipath or mixed-pixel effects are identified and eliminated.
Several investigations in the past have seriously considered this
aspect and have proposed several procedures for accuracy
assessment and specification proposal for integrating laser
scanner data into the photogrammetric procedure, especially as
far as the geometric recording of monuments at large scales is
concerned (Barber ct al., 2003; Bochler et al., 2003; Lichti et al.,