Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

bul 2004 
nr mt ét tne 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
2.1 Reconstruction of architraves 
The architrave of the market gate consists of many small edges 
and a lot of very detailed ornaments like leaf mouldings, festons 
and rosettes. For reconstruction of the architrave the 
photogrammetric measurements of the different edges were 
used to create a profile line (vertical cross section) which was 
extended to obtain a solid surface of the architrave (Figure 3). 
The horizontal dimensions were again derived from 
photogrammetric data. The manifold ornaments were excluded 
in this first phase of reconstruction 
Figure 3. Shape of the reconstructed architrave 
After completion of the architrave by adding some main 
elements like brakets it was integrated in the final building 
model (Figure 4). 
2.2 Reconstruction of the ceilings 
The market gate has two storeys each with a complex coffered 
ceiling. Because of symmetry two basic types of coffers (Figure 
5) had to be reconstructed to compose the complete ceilings. 
Figure 4. Completed architrave integrated in the final model 
The exact position of these basic elements were determined by 
means of the upright projections derived from the digital 
photogrammetric data. Again the numerous ornaments were not 
integrated in the model. One of the resulting reconstructions of 
a ceiling is shown in Figure 6. 
Figure 5. Example of a basic type of a coffer 
Figure 6. Upright perspective of the reconstruction of the upper ceiling

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