Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 2. The old map of the city drawn by K.R. Lepsius (1843) 
with superimposition of the GCPs derived from GPS survey. 
The applications of GPS in Archaeology are numerous and refer 
to the determination of the absolute position of reference points, 
the detail survey of single structures, the kinematic surveying of 
the ground surface of entire sites. The reliability of this global 
system and its possibility to achieve high accuracy, together 
with its productivity, make it the main technique able to frame 
together the whole metrical information collected at the site in a 
common reference system (Bitelli and Vittuari, 2000). 
Regarding Soknopaiou Nesos site, long time GPS observations 
were firstly conducted on two reference points established in the 
area, connecting them to the IGS permanent stations of Matera 
and Noto (Italy), Nicosia (Cyprus) Ankara (Turkey) and 
Malindi (Kenia); GPS allowed to link the coordinates of local 
reference points to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame 
ITRF2000, and moreover to insert previous surveys, referred to 
local reference frames, into ITRF. The accuracy of the absolute 
positioning came out at the sub-decimetre level, certainly 
redundant compared to the common requirements of 
archaeological surveying. 
At the same time, Stop-and-Go method was adopted to obtain 
the coordinates of 59 — signalized and natural — ground control 
points (figure 2), to be used in photogrammetric exterior 
orientation (Bitelli et al., 2003a). 
In order to realize a general Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the 
entire area, kinematic surveying was finally conducted, 
following paths chosen to describe the morphology of the site. 
About 20000 points were measured with a good accuracy (in the 
order of some centimetres). Figure 3 shows the planimetric 
scheme of GPS measured profiles. 
From the interpolation of the points acquired, a complete DTM 
of the site was produced (figure 4). 
The orthometric heights were obtained applying the geoidal 
undulation values obtained from the EGM96 geoidal global 
As mentioned, images were acquired by a low-height aerial 
photo-acquisition system specifically developed for this kind of 
applications (Bitelli et al., 2001): the system is based on balloon 
or kites and a radio-controlled device. During the survey 
conducted in February 2002, a 35 mm non metrical Canon 
EOS500N film based camera was adopted instead of a 
photogrammetric camera. The camera was calibrated by a field 
calibration procedure (Bitelli et al., 2003a). 
In relation to the area extension, the acquisition system 
characteristics and the wide angle 24 mm lens adopted, a flight 
height of about 100 meters was planned, involving an image 
scale of about 1:4000. Considering the archaeological 
requirements and the organizational and logistic constraints, this 
value of photo-scale can constitute an acceptable solution to 
have an high level of detail in the products provided by digital 
photogrammetric processing (DTM, orthophotos, base layer for 
GIS establishment). 
Figure 4. 3D view of the DTM obtained by GPS survey. 
Strong wind during the survey and the consequent irregularity 
of balloon flight path, made the numerical remote control 
inadequate to impose the defined camera orientation. In total 
about 140 photos were acquired with a resulting coverage 
geometry characterised by irregular overlap and camera tilt 
besides large image scale differences. 
Selected images were digitised by a Wehrli RasterMaster RM2 
photogrammetric scanner with maximum geometric and 

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