Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

radiometric resolution (2116 dpi. 24-bit). Obtained bitmaps with 
size of about 3090 x 2100 pixels were saved in TIFF file format. 
The photogrammetric processing, carried out by a Socet Set 
v5.] workstation, was concerned with a subset of 14 images 
chosen in order to cover the temenos and dromos areas (Figure 
5) Inner orientation was performed with an affine 
transformation by using the image frame corners; values of the 
residuals were less than one pixel. 
Triangulation procedure, realized by bundle adjustment 
analytical model, encountered some difficulties due to 
unconventional strip geometry: indeed the irregular image 
overlap does not fit with the Socet Set triangulation module 
requirement of a strict distribution scheme for points connecting 
contiguous models and strips. However, the process achieved 
satisfying results with a maximum residual of 0.20 m on the 
control point coordinates. Figure 5 shows the distribution of the 
control points used for exterior orientation. 
Next paragraphs describe the subsequent procedures of DTM 
extraction and orthomosaicing. 
Figure 5. Image coverage and distribution 
of control points for the selected area. 
3.1 DTM extraction 
DTMs of the stereoscopic models were automatically extracted 
by means of Socet Set image matching algorithm implemented 
in the Automatic Terrain Extraction (ATE) module, based on 
HRC (Hierarchical Relaxation Correlation) algorithm. 
In particular, due to various morphologies that characterize 
Soknopaiou Nesos area, “adaptive” correlation method and TIN 
format were chosen, in order to adopt the most suitable 
correlation strategy in each zone and make easier the successive 
interactive editing operation. 
Comparison between manual and automatic extracted DTMs, 
depicted in Figure 6, points out an effective working of ATE 
module: about 81 per cent of points shows an absolute value of 
the difference lower than 30 cm. The biggest differences are 
localized close to structures or in sandy areas and so they are 
connected with sharp height variation or with homogeneous 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
image texture, that makes difficult the image matching 
procedure. = 
The experiment was conducted on sample areas with different 
kinds of morphology. 
In order to improve the automatic process result in 
correspondence of such areas, we experimented the opportunity 
of using seed DTMSs to initialize ATE process. 
i Yo. Lea 1 1 ERE 
@ -17 to 1 
B 110-0. 
32696604 @ et a L 
-03 to 03 
& 0.3106 1 
& 11012 
3269620 L 
3269580-] E 
3269540 hs 
T T T T 
274000 274040 274080 274120 
Figure 6. Classed plot of residuals between automatic and 
manual DTMs (automatic minus manual, meters). 
In particular, DTMs with about 1 m medium inter-post spacing 
were extracted in each test area by using three different 
automatic collection modalities: 
a) without any pre-existing elevation data; 
b)starting from seed points obtained by kinematic GPS 
survey (only terrain information); 
c)starting from seed points derived from a manually 
measured DTM with grid spacing of about 3 m. 
We report here the results obtained for a test area (Figure 7) 
characterized by abrupt elevation changes due to a femenos 
Figure 7. Test area around a temenos wall. 
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