Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Realisation of a functional prototype of IS is a current 
stage of the project. The prime focus is now on conversion of 
the spatial model format — DGN — VRML. Finally, the 
prototype will be tested. Acquired results, together with verified 
technology, will form the basis for creating the final proposal of 
spatial IS of a historical site. 
The contribution of the project is an overall, complex view on 
the topic. This topic was not solved in CZ so comprehensively. 
We tried to reflect current trends in spatial information 
technologies and their application in the area of cultural 
heritage. These trends are adopted to the conditions of the 
Czech Republic. 
3,1 References 
Hodac. J., 2001. Documentation of the Baroque Theatre at 
Cesky Krumlov Castle, In: The International Archives of 
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information 
Sciences, Potsdam, Germany, Vol. XXXIV-5/C7, pp.121-125. 
Hodac, J., 2002. Proposal of a Conception of a Spatial 
Information System of a Historical Site. Dissertation, CTU in 
Prague, CZ. http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz//-hodac/disertace 
Santana, M., 2001. Virtual Systems and MultiMedia conference, 
Virtual Heritage Colloquium, ..A witness to enhanced realities 
in virtual heritage: Potentials and limitation", Berkeley, USA. 
httpz//www.virtualheritage.net/news/article.html (6/2002) 
OIS CK. Official information system of Cesky Krumlov 
Region, Aftp://www.ckrumlov.cz 
Laboratory of Photogrammetry, Attp://gama.fsv.cvut.cz 
3.2 Acknowledgements 
This project is part of research activity of the Department of 
Mapping and Cartography (supported by MSM:210000007). 
Presentation of results of the project is supported by the 
Foundation of Baroque Theatre in Cesky Krumlov. 
Scheme of data, subsystem — site research, element of technical equipment 
Substage area 
Technickt cafisen podjevistniho prosts 
| Zakiadn evidence fondu zhcwrkina davadla Inden 2061 | 
| Technik zoiizení podyowiteiho prostors 
Winch - central, small 

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