Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

national Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
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Managing the data Management software of topographic files: Management software of topographic files and 
acquired Starnet laser scanner data: 
Orientation Apex software for digital photogrammetry allows RiscanPro software of acquisition and management 
Alignment orientation of the images in individual models orin ^ of data from the laser scanner, allows us to align 
| galley strips. : two or more point clouds of different scan 
E : positions. 
case i The operator can align one cloud onto another and 
orient point clouds automatically on control points 
(defined in the general reference system given by 
the topography). - 
| ih ; ; ; ; ; = 
raphy Rectification and Apex, Autocad2002. RiscanPro, Scandig3D (rectification from 
fthe | editing orthophoto) and Pointcloud (rectification from 
s | point cloud), Autocad2002. 
p Costs and times analysis 
The costs for the survey campaign, which is related to the times 
The costs and times are known for analytical and digital of acquisition of the laser scanner, are low because the marking 
photogrammetry. is limited to the ground level and the scannings and terrestrial 
; The costs and times of laser scanner surveys are being studied. photos enable the surveyor to work without using platforms and 
? The basic costs are known and include hardware and software, in faster scanning times. 
of personnel, travel costs, costs of assistance (elevation equipment, 
i not etc) and we are studying the times and costs of managing and 
processing the data. 
S to | : : 
| Comparative table of the times 
ystem | 
na Marking 1h Marking 30 min 
| > 
| Topographic support 20 min Topographic support 10 min 
| Stereo images for 6 models 1h Laser scanner (3 stations) 45 min 
| inei: = ; 
Acquisition of images 15 min 
| Calculating the coordinates of 1h Calculating the coordinates of the 1h | 
the support points and support points and preparing the files | 
| preparing the files | 
| Selection, filtering and decimation 15 min 
1 and | 
Orientation of 6 models 3h Orientation of the 3 clouds in the 10 min 
| : absolute system 
| Rectification of 6 models 30h Rectification from 3D orthophotos 20h 
and | . ; 
nal | Extraction of 6 profiles Ih Extraction of 6 profiles 10 min 
WIL. | manual) semi-automatically 
m | Production of automatic DEM 2h The DEM is the point clouds 
g With 1 cm pitch 
own. Orthophoto from individual 1h Orthophoto from individual scanner 1h 
| model 

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