Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV. Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
The second phase consists of detailed geometric documentation, 
such as: floor plans, facade appearance, sections and similar, all 
in digital vector form, by using appropriate CAD tools. Since 
this phase is the most expensive and the most complicated part 
of documentation production, it is not compulsory. 
Division of procedures into two phases enables the first one to 
be performed in campaign manner (by object groups, 
environment entities or some other criteria) for relatively short 
time and with relatively limited financial resources. The goal of 
this phase is preventive capture of information about cultural 
object, because present object condition is ?frozen? at the 
moment of making documentation. At the same time, this is 
prerequisite for the second phase to be performed at any time 
afterwards without any danger of loss of information. The most 
important elements of suggested procedure will be explained 
further on in this paper. 
5.3 Image capturing plan 
The successful realization of mass technical documentation 
production demands certain preparation. This preparation 
involves inspection of object of cultural importance and 
determination of the target objects for each campaign. The 
disposition sketch should be made and it should serve as the 
basis for image capturing plan, as well as for checking of all 
critical elements for planning (visibility, estimated maximal 
extent of images in height and width, etc). Beside the data 
collected at the field, some other information sources are 
important for image capturing plan (photographs, cadastral 
maps, etc). Image capturing plan should contain approximate 
disposition (position and orientation) for all planned images 
(Figure 1). 
6 à 
5.4 Image capturing 
Figure 1: Image capturing plan 
Suggested procedure assumes imaging with Rolleiflex 6006 
color film camera (Figure 2). Images are taken by hand, from 
the ground or by moveable telescope crane. Imaging has all 
campaign characteristics. After short preparation (photo 
signalization of control points), imaging is done according to 
previously created plan. Films are developed after finished 
campaign or at the end of the day. At least one color contact 
copy should be made for each photo. Right after, it should be 
evaluated whether imaging plan has been satisfied. Image 
copies are used also for the selection and notification of control 
pointa during following phases. 
Figure 2: Original image made by semi-measurement camera 
Rolleiflex 6006 
5.5 Image scanning 
Suggested procedure assumes scanning of photogrammetric 
images directly from negative by using desktop scanner Epson 
Expression 1600. Although it is not difficult to calculate 
appropriate resolution for each concrete case (Chong et al. 
2003), it is recommended to do scanning in resolution 1600 dpi, 
full color. Namely, it was determined empirically that 1600 dpi 
is the resolution that corresponds to the limitations imposed by 
amateur color films and standard procedures of photo laboratory 
5.6 Geometric rectification of images 
After scanning, it is necessary to geometrically rectify images, 
i.e. to eliminate errors introduced by image capturing, photo 
processing and scanning (Figure 4). Geometric rectification is 
based on theoretical values of image coordinates for grid points. 
These points are copied onto film during image capturing - 
'resau' plate is built on Rolleiflex 6006 camera (Figure 2). 
Collocation by least squares, with previous affine 
transformation for trend elimination is proposed mathematical 
model for geometric rectification. Example of systematic errors 
typical for camera Rolleiflex 6006 and scanner EPSON 
Expression 1600 is shown at Figure 4. For further processing 
only geometrically rectified images are considered. 

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