Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

A. F. Habib“, M. S. Ghanma*, R. I. Al-Ruzouq”, E. M. Kim? 
* Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary 
2500, University Drive NW, Calgary AB T2N 1N4 Canada - (habib, mghanma, al-ruzouq)@geomatics.ucalgary.ca, 
SS4 - CIPA - Low-Cost Systems in Recording and Managing the Cultural Heritage 
KEY WORDS: Camera, feature, CAD, modelling, reconstruction, cultural heritage. 
Photogrammetry is the art and science of deriving accurate 3-D metric and descriptive object information from multiple analogue 
and digital images. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in utilizing imagery in different fields such as archaeology, 
architecture, mechanical inspection, and surgery. The availability of reasonably priced, off-the-shelf, and high-quality digital 
cameras is encouraging such interest. Any camera needs to be accurately calibrated and tested before it can be used for accurate 
derivation of 3-D information. Traditional camera calibration is performed by qualified and trained professionals using a test field 
with numerous control points (i.e., points with known ground coordinates). To expedite the process of camera calibration, this paper 
outlines a new approach that is based on linear features within an easy-to-establish test field. Therefore, non-photogrammetrists can 
utilize the new calibration procedure with the least effort. Moreover, the simplicity of the calibration procedure allows for the 
evaluation of the camera stability through analyzing the estimated internal characteristics of the implemented camera from repetitive 
calibration sessions. The proposed technique is considerably more flexible and possesses higher degree of robustness when 
compared with traditional camera calibration exercises. The introduced calibration methodology allows for the utilization of digital 
cameras in a vast range of application areas (e.g., three dimensional archiving of models and monuments as well as the capability of 
generating 3-D perspective views). This paper introduces the calibration procedure, some analysis of the expected accuracy, and the 
suggested methodology for 3-D modelling of historical sites. Experimental results using real data proved the feasibility and the 
quality of the outcome from the suggested approach. 
Photogrammetry is concerned with deriving measurements of 
the size, shape and position of objects from measurements made 
on photographs. In its simplest form, a pair of overlapping 
photographs is used to create a three-dimensional model, which 
with the use of appropriate instrumentation can yield 
quantifiable dimensions of the object. Traditionally, these 
dimensions were represented on maps and plans, either as 
elevations, facades and/or contours. The use of photogrammetry 
as a tool to aid in the documentation of cultural heritage has a 
long history, and is well established as a measurement science. 
Recent advances in the science make the techniques much more 
flexible in their application and present new opportunities in the 
representation of monuments as diverse as aboriginal rock 
painting shelters, historically significant buildings and 
structures, and culturally significant precincts or districts. 
[t is clear that recent advances in digital photogrammetry have 
accelerated the archiving and analysis of world heritage sites 
(Chong et al., 2002). However, 3D modelling tools were not 
completely successful to model the shape of the art works of 
interest in cultural heritage applications. This is due to the high- 
cost, and/or inaccurate imaging device and shape complexity 
associated with artefacts to be modelled. Although, using metric 
cameras result in accurate measurements, the disadvantage with 
this class of camera remains to be the high cost. Therefore, 
there is a desire to utilize cheaper image acquisition tools, 
particularly amongst non-specialists, such as low-cost digital 
cameras. Recent developments of digital cameras in terms of 
high-quality/resolution and reduced costs have had a 
considerable impact on the applications of photogrammetry and 
in particular documentation of cultural monuments. Digital 
cameras, intended to replace conventional film-based mapping 
cameras, are becoming available along with many smaller 
format digital cameras capable of precise measurement 
applications. All such cameras require careful calibration to 
determine their metric characteristics, which are essential to 
carry out photogrammetric activities. Metric characteristics of 
the camera, which are known as Interior Orientation Parameters 
(IOP), include coordinates of the: principle point, camera 
constant, radial and decentric lens distortion, are usually 
determined through a camera calibration procedure. Different 
calibration sessions can be used to check the stability of the 
implemented camera, (Habib and Morgan; and 2003 Habib et 
al., 2004). 
Traditional camera calibration through bundle adjustment 
requires a test field with numerous control points that have to be 
precisely surveyed prior to the calibration process. Establishing 
and maintaining such a test field is an expensive procedure that 
has to be conducted by professionals. This paper introduces a 
new approach for incorporating straight lines in a bundle 
adjustment for calibrating off-the-shelf/low cost digital 
cameras. Utilizing linear features is advantageous for various 
reasons. First, straight lines can be easily established in the test 
fields. Also, industrial scenes are rich with straight lines. 
Moreover, image space linear features can be easily and 
precisely extracted using image-processing techniques (Kubik, 
1991). The most important advantage of straight lines is that 
to d 

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