Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

spatial distribution, which is considered as one of the most 
difficult and time-consuming tasks for architects (Lerma et al., 
In summary, photogrammetry offers a rapıd and accurate 
method of acquiring three-dimensional information regarding 
cultural monuments. Combining the measurements obtained 
from the photogrammetric record and 3D CAD models offer the 
means to recreate historic environments. This facilitates the 
generation of accurate digital records of historical and 
archaeological objects, while reducing the overall costs. 
Before using photogrammetric techniques for the recording and 
documentation of cultural heritage, factors that have an impact 
on recording accuracy and archiving efficiency have to be 
discussed: namely, metric characteristics of the camera, 
imaging resolution, and requirements of the bundle adjustment 
procedure (Chong et al.,2002). The next section will describe a 
mathematical model that incorporates straight lines in a self- 
calibration and bundle adjustment procedure for accurate 
estimation of the interior orientation parameters. This is a 
necessary prerequisite for accurate and reliable 3D- 
The purpose of camera calibration is to determine numerical 
estimates of the IOP of the implemented camera. The IOP 
comprises the focal length (c), location of the principal point 
(x, yj) and image coordinate corrections that compensate for 
various deviations from the assumed perspective geometry. The 
perspective geometry is established by the collinearity 
condition, which states that the perspective centre, the object 
point and the corresponding image point must be collinear. A 
distortion in the image signifies that there is a deviation from 
collinearity. The collinearity equations, which define the 
relationship between image and ground coordinates of a point in 
the image, are: 
Ze nO, 7 Xo) t rj, 7 Yo) (Z4 7 Zo) SAY 
X a = X p y r 7 3 r 
ni(X 47 Xo) (Y, = Ko) ll = La) (1) 
Ya Ya -C naX ,— X9) a. = To) + (24-20) +Ay 
n3GX, 7 Xo) * r34(Y,- Yo) * (Z4 7 Zo) 
Xn yu are the observed image coordinates of image point a 
X, Y,.Z: are the ground coordinates of object point A. 
X» yp are the image coordinates of the principle point 
e: is the camera constant ( principle distance) 
Xo» Yo, Zo: are the ground coordinates of the perspective centre, 
f,y__f33: are the elements of the rotation matrix that are a 
function of (w,ÿ,x) 
Ax,Ay : are compensations for the deviations from 
Potential sources of the deviation from collinearity are the 
radial lens distortion, decentric lens distortion, atmospheric 
refraction, affine deformations and out-of-plane deformations. 
These distortions are represented by explicit mathematical 
models whose coefficients are called the distortion parameters 
such as K;, K,, K; for radial lens distortion; P,, P5, P, for 
decentric lens distortion; and A;, A, for affine deformation. 
The relative magnitude of these distortions is an indication of 
the condition and quality of the camera. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
In order to determine the IOP of the camera, including the 
distortion parameters, calibration is done with the use of control 
information. in the form of a test field. In a traditional 
calibration test field, numerous control points are precisely 
surveyed prior to the calibration process. Image and object 
coordinate measurements are used in a bundle adjustment with 
self-calibration procedure to solve for the IOP of the involved 
camera, EOP of the imagery and object coordinates of the tie 
points. Establishing a traditional calibration test field is not a 
trivial task and it requires professional surveyors. Therefore, an 
alternative approach for camera calibration using an easy-to- 
establish test field comprised of a group of straight lines as well 
as some tie points is implemented in this research. 
Object space straight lines prove to be the least difficult and 
most suitable feature to use for calibration. They are easy to 
establish in a calibration test field. Corresponding lines in the 
image space can be easily extracted using image-processing 
techniques such as image resampling and application of edge 
detection filters. Automation of the extraction process can be a 
reliable and time-saving approach in camera calibration. 
Furthermore, linear features, which essentially consist of a set 
of connected points, increase the system redundancy and 
consequently enhance the geometric strength and robustness in 
terms of the ability to detect blunders. 
As shown in Figure 1, for a frame camera, a straight line in the 
object space will be a straight line in the image space in the 
absence of distortions. A deviation from straightness in the 
image space is a function of the distortion parameters. 
rz \ XYZ. 
‘x, ~ x, - distortions x | 
- V, 2 R(9 ,$ .& ) ye —», - distortions $ 
ii E 
= X, 
Figure 1. Perspective transformation between image and object 
space straight lines 
Object space straight lines are incorporated in the calibration 
procedure by representing them with any two points along the 
line such as points 1 and 2 in Figure 1. These points are 
monoscopically measured (i.e., there is no need to identify 
conjugate points in overlapping images) in one or two images 
within which this line appears. In the image space, the lines are 
defined by a sequence of intermediate points such as point 3 in 
Figure 1. Therefore, the distortion at each point along the line 
can be independently modelled. In order to restrict the points to 
form a straight line, a mathematical constraint is adopted to 
establish the perspective relationship between image and object 
space lines. The underlying principle in this constraint is that 
the vector from the perspective centre to any intermediate 
image point along the line lies on the plane defined by the 
perspective centre of that image and the two points defining the 
straight line in the object space. This constraint is expressed as 
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