Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
(5, x P) ev, (2) 
is the vector connecting the perspective centre to the 
AUS em 
first point along the object space line. 
V: ids the vector connecting the perspective centre to the 
second point along the object space line. 
fp: is the vector connecting the perspective centre lo any 
intermediate point along the image line. 
Equation 2 incorporates the image coordinates of the 
intermediate point, the exterior orientation parameters, the 
interior parameters of the camera (which includes the distortion 
parameters) as well as the object coordinates of the points 
defining the object space line. The constraint in Equation 2 can 
be written for each intermediate point along the line in the 
imagery. One should note that this constraint will not introduce 
any new parameters. The number of constraints is equal to the 
number of measured intermediate points along the image line. 
In summary, for a bundle adjustment with self-calibration using 
straight lines, the end points (points 1 and 2 in the above 
example) can be selected in any of the images where the 
straight line appears. These points need not be identifiable or 
even visible in other images. Four collinearity equations will be 
written using the measured end points for each line. The 
intermediate point(s) (e.g., point 3 in Figure 1) can be measured 
in any one of the overlapping images. These intermediate points 
need not be conjugate. A constraint is written for each 
intermediate point according to Equation 2. A schematic 
drawing to clarify the different scenarios for the end point 
selection is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2a shows a case where 
the end points of the straight line are selected in one image 
(Image 1); while in Figure 2b, they are selected in different 
images (Images 1 and 4). Intermediate points are shown in the 
same figure. 
1 , 1 
To, a . 
Image 1 Image 2 Image 1 Image 2 
a" a” er a" 
S. ~ X2 
Image 3 Image 4 Image 3 Image 4 
(a) (b) 
e End points defining the line in object space 
X Intermediate points 
Figure 2. Schematic drawing representing two scenarios for the 
selection of the end and intermediate points in 
overlapping images 
Once the calibration procedure has been carried out, the IOP of 
the camera that are derived from two different calibration 
sessions can be inspected for the purpose of stability analysis. 
The methodology used in this research is a bundle coriparison 
procedure that quantifies the degrec of similarity between 
reconstructed bundles from two sets of IOP, (Habib et al, 
Afterwards, the calibrated camera is used to capture convergent 
images for the object to be constructed. Tie points are measured 
in overlapping images and incorporated in a bundle adjustment 
procedure. For this purpose, an arbitrary datum is chosen and 
three-dimensional coordinates are determined with respect to 
that datum. The datum for the calibration procedure is 
established by fixing six coordinates of three points as well as a 
few measured distances 
The next section shows in detail a case study for the 
reconstruction of a historical church. The conducted experiment 
composed of two main parts. The first part is camera 
calibration. This includes constructing the test field, capturing 
convergent images, incorporating straight lines in bundle 
adjustment procedure and stability analysis of the interior 
orientation parameters. The second part is the 3D- 
reconstruction of a historical church. This includes the capture 
of convergent images, measuring of tie points and estimation of 
their 3D-coordinates and finally incorporation of these 
measurements in a CAD model. 
4.1 Camera calibration 
To perform calibration and stability analysis on a camera, a 
specific detailed procedure is carried out. A two-dimensional 
test field consisting of straight lines and points is used for 
calibration. The lines are thin dark ropes that are stretched 
between nails on the wall, and the points are in the form of 
crosses that are signalized targets used as tie points in the 
calibration procedure, Figure 3. 
The datum for the calibration procedure is established by fixing 
a certain number of points as control points that are distributed 
in a specific way. To establish a datum, the origin, orientation 
and scale need to be fixed. The fixed coordinates of three points 
are shown in Figure 3. By fixing the X, Y and Z coordinates of 
point El, the origin is established. By fixing the Y and Z 
coordinates of points El and E7 as well as the Y coordinate of 
point A4, the orientation is established. Finally, the scale is 
established by incorporating a distance measurement between 
any two points. 
Figure 3. Calibration test field with 20 lines and 21 points 
For the conducted camera calibration experiments, a total of 
seventy two images have been acquired in four different 
sessions. Each session contains eighteen converging and

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