Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
3.1. Line Extraction 
To extract building boundaries, we first extract lines from the 
image. A subimage of 100 x 100 pixels is defined centred on 
the user input position. For line extraction, we used the 
algorithm proposed by Burns et. al(1985). 
The following images are an example of the subimage centred 
on a building roof and lines extracted. 
Figure 3. A subimage on a building and line image 
3.2 Estimation of Building Position and Orientation 
The orientation and position of the building within the 
subimage are estimated by the lines extracted. Building 
orientation is estimated first by voting the orientation of 
individual line segments. The most popular angle is assumed as 
the initial value of building orientation. 
The estimation of building position is also done by voting. This 
time, we first slice the subimage into small linear sections along 
the direction of building orientation (see figure 4) and vote the 
number of line elements within each image slice. The slice with 
the maximum vote is assumed as the initial position where one 
long side of a rectangular-shaped building is located. 
— Building 
ma = 
: orientation 
on image 
Figure 4. Estimation of the position of a building 
Once we determine the initial position of building position and 
orientation, we refine these values by least squares template 
matching as the one describe in section 2. We first define a line 
template whose orientation and position are set as the initial 
values (see figure 5). Again, we assume the relationship 
between the line template and the true line element from a. 
building as similarity transformation. The equations 1 and 2 
also hold in this case. Based on these transformations we can 
design a least squares template matching. Through matching, 
we refine the position and orientation of the line element and 
hence those of a building to be extracted. 
After the matching, we then have identified the position and 
orientation of one long side of building boundaries. We name 
this as the first long side. We can then estimate the position and 
orientation of the other long side (second long side) of building 
by slicing the line image with the new orientation and finding 
the slice of the largest vote located opposite to the first long 
side with respect to the subimage centre (see figure 6). 
— | orientation refinement 
Line Template : iy 
position refinement 
Figure 5. The line template and template matching 
Subimage Centre 
yn long side 
| —- Second long side 
Figure 6. Estimation of second long side 
Next, we need to find the other (short) sides of a rectangular- 
shaped building. For this purpose, we again slice the line image. 
But this time, we slice the image along the direction 
perpendicular to the orientation of the long side. And we slice 
not the whole image but only for the part between the first and 
second long sides. The first short side is determined as the slice 
with the largest vote. The second short side is determined as the 
slice with the largest vote among those lie opposite to the first 
short line (see figure 7). 
In reality, however, it is not uncommon that short sides of a 
building produce very weak edge patterns. As a result, lines for 
those parts are often not detected at all. The line image we used 
here also has this problem. We cannot see meaningful line 
edges from the short sides of the building. Although we devised 
an algorithm to extract lines from the all four sides of a building, 
the location of short sides would not be very correct. Figure 7 
shows this problem. 
Nevertheless, we can retrieve the orientation and position of 
long sides quite accurately. Instead of devising a more 
sophisticated algorithm to correctly locate short sides (which is 
“virtually” impossible), we have assigned this task to human 
operators. With relatively simple operations such as rotation, 
scaling and translation, we can edit the building rectangle to 
correctly describe the underlying building. Figure 8 explains 
this process. 
3.3 Template matching of a building rectangle 
In most urban areas, we can observe a collection of buildings 
with a very similar shape. Typically in Korea, the apartment is 
the most popular and preferred type of residence. There are 
indeed many large apartment complex in any major cities in 
Korea and all apartment buildings do have a very similar shape 
with each other. 
For such cases, building extraction may be done easily if we 
can use the previously extracted building rectangle. For this 
purpose, we use the least squares template matching as before. 
We define the building rectangle extracted previously as the 
template of the building to be extracted. Again, we can assume

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