Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Origina Fusion Methods 
Axes” de IHS PCA  âtrous 
R 9079 21.230. 21149 22.240 
Gradient — G 7517 701.500] 20866 21.975 
B 7.804 21505 20925 22.096 
R 4912 7810 7044 797357 
Entropy G 4528 “9800 7845 4849 
B 4933 7099897 073994. 9 339 
JE : 6788 "4.00 11927 17845 
Table 4. Comparisons of joint entropy and different methods in 
application to quality assessment of fused images 
Compared with the original multispectral image, the entropy, 
gradient and joint entropy of any fusion method are much 
higher, which indicates that the spatial quality of fused images 
has improved greatly in details and local lucidity. According to 
Table 4, joint entropy can get the same results as other quality 
measures, where the superior is wavelet fusion method, the 
inferior are IHS and PCA. However entropy and gradient can 
only be used to calculate the single grey image. On one hand, 
its not convenient to compare the effects of colour-fused 
images, on the other hand, there are redundancies among the 
three channels in fused images and both of them cannot 
evaluate the whole spatial information precisely. As a criterion 
of the whole information content, joint entropy solves this 
problem efficiently. 
In order to reduce the space-time complexity of joint entropy, 
an alternative solution based on improved index data structure 
has been developed, and this solution can be extended to 
calculate the multidimensional joint entropy. The experiments 
were conducted to put this new solution into the applications to 
optimum band selection and quality assessment of fused images. 
Some available statistical techniques of these applications are 
also used to compare with joint entropy. It is showed that the 
results of joint entropy are consistent with those of other 
methods or even better. In application to optimum band 
selection, joint entropy can obtain good or better triplets 
compared with other methods; while used to evaluate the 
quality of remote sensing image data, joint entropy as a 
criterion is more apt to assess the spatial details in fused images 
and can get more exact results than other methods. All the 
experiments indicated that the improved algorithm of joint 
entropy could be used as an efficient image analysis tool in 
remote sensing. 
The author would like to thank Mr. Li Junli in School of 
Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Wuhan University 
for valuable comments and suggestion. 
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