Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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ectral data 
G. Tucci, V. Bonora 
DINSE, Facoltà di Architettura, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy - (grazia.tucci, valentina.bonora) @polito.it 
F. Sacerdote, F. Costantino, D. Ostuni 
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Università di Firenze, Florence, Italy - (fausto, dostuni) @dicea.unifi.it 
KEY WORDS: Laser Scanning, Close Range Photogrammetry, Cultural Heritage, Comparison, 3D Modelling, Accuracy 
In this paper a multisensor approach (topography, photogrammetry, laser scanning) was exploited to generate a close range model of 
a cultural heritage object in order to evaluate the accuracy of data in all steps of the model production, from the acquisition to the 
A programmed data redundancy allowed to verify the accuracy of each technique as well as the presence of possible surveying errors. 
At the end, a comparison from data acquired by different tecniques was done in order to verify the accuracy of the laser model. We 
have explored the entire workflow to obtain a complete 3d model: range image registration, points decimation, triangulation, mesh 
editing, model texturing. The results are here presented. 
New three-dimensional models can be useful for programs of 
analysis and conservation of cultural heritage. Models make 
easier the understanding and the communication of particularly 
shaped architectonic structures, through a synthetic vision. A 
multisensor approach seems to be the most suitable solution for 
articulated geometry. Our study case is the transept-apse complex 
of S. Francesco al Prato in Perugia, one of the most important 
Franciscan Friars churches, the second after that of Assisi. 
To acquire metric data, different procedures have been employed: 
topography was used to establish a reference system and to 
acquire natural and target control points; photogrammetry was 
employed to obtain breaklines and sections from an accurate 
restitution, in order to compare them with laser scanning data; 
and laser scanning. The model has been obtained from the merge 
of these different acquisitions in order to evaluate the accuracy 
of data in all steps of the model production, from the acquisition 
to the representation. A programmed data redundancy allowed 
to verify the accuracy of each technique as well as the presence 
of possible surveying errors. At the end, a comparison from data 
acquired by different tecniques was done in order to verify the 
accuracy of the laser scanner model. 
The articulated geometry, derived from a mixture of architectonic 
elements, structural damage and superficial decay, required the 
survey of many points, imposing the management of numerous 
detail drafts to choose the representative elements. 
Topographic data: about one thousand detail points were collected 
with a reflector-less total station Leica TCR703, after having traced 
a small net of arrangement; the adjustment were performed by 
using the least squares method. At the same time, about 100 con- 
trol points were measured - natural points on the transept, 40 tar- 
gets on the apse and 17 specific Cyrax targets on the entire scene 
- to orient photogrammetric stereoimages and to define a refer- 
ence system for range images. 
Photogrammetric data: the images were acquired by means of 
both semimetric Rollei 6006 camera (f=40 mm), and digital Nikon 
D! camera (f=24 mm). With semimetric camera, three 
stereocouples were acquired on the apse, with mobile scaffold- 
ing, obtaining about 1:350 scale of images. On the transept, twelve 
stereocouples were acquired at about 1:250 scale (longitudinal 
overlap =80%, transversal overlap = 40%). The images were ori- 
ented and restituted with both analytic stereoplotter Digicart 40 
(by Siscam) and digital Stereoview (by Menci Software). 
Laser scanning data: for the transept, Cyrax 2500 laser scanner 
(by Leica) were used, with sampling step of about 1.5 cm; in this 
way all of the transept was covered. For more complex details, 
as for example, the capitals, a sampling step of 6 mm was set up. 
In all, 20 range maps, with an overlapping of about 40%, were 
generated. This overlap has been performed not only to align 3D 
images but also to cover undercuts and hidden zones. The laser 
scanner were mounted on its tripod or simply placed on the scaf- 
foldings, at various levels, to avoid great inclinations. 
Increasing automation of data acquisition and processing is 
essential to widen the use of the 3D model, but despite this, at 
present, to represent and to elaborate data, is still, unavoidably, a 
selective operation: what changes is the moment in which synthetic 
interpolation, to obtain structured data, is required. With every 
survey technique we obtain a synthetic model of reality, but 
different cognitive approaches are available derived from different 
measurement techniques: topography and photogrammetry data 
collection phase requires a preliminary interpretation process, 
while laser scanner acquisition collects redundant data, and 

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