Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
An Italo-Canadian team from SIBA, University of Lecce and 
Visual Information Technology, National Research Council 
virtualised the site with a range laser scanner and 
photogrammetric techniques [4]. The crypt was scanned with a 
MENSI SOISIC?M range laser scanner. The spatial sampling 
was 5 mm on the surface of the walls and the depth uncertainty 
was 0.8 mm. The crypt was scanned in various sections of 
about 2.5 m wide each. Texture information was acquired 
separately with a high-resolution digital camera Nikon DIx at a 
resolution of 3008 x 1960 pixels. The sections were aligned 
together with the ICP algorithm and a global alignment was 
performed on the complete model. These operations were 
carried out with a commercial software package named 
PolyworksTM. The crypt has been visualised with our system. 
Figure 1 shows a column of the crypt as visualised with our 
Figure 2. Visualisation of the Torre dei Mesi in Trento, Italy 
with the virtual theatre. Partial view of the Summer 
The “Palace of the Good Council” or Castello del Buon 
Consiglio was the symbol of the temporal power of the Prince 
Bishop of Trento; now part of Italy. The actual palace consists 
of many sections from the medieval and renaissance periods: 
one of the best known is the “Tower of the Eagle” or Torre 
dell’Aquila. The Torre dell'Aquila contains a magnificent cycle 
of frescoes known as Dei Mesi i.e. “of the Months” painted by 
an anonymous Bohemian painter in the 15" century. They 
depict medieval life, month by month, comparing the richness 
and splendour of the court with the simple life in the country. 
The interior of the tower was virtualised with photogrammetric 
techniques. Pictures were acquired at high-resolution by an 
Italo-Canadian team from IRST — ITC and VIT - NRC with a 
digital camera and a model was created with photogrammetric 
techniques with a commercial software package called 
ShapeCapture™ [6]. The tower has been visualised with our 
system. Figure 2 shows a section of a wall corresponding to the 
so-called “Summer Cycle” while Figure 3 shows details of the 
Both sites are currently visualised in Italy and Canada with our 
system: one virtual theatre has been deployed at SIBA (Lecce, 
Italy), one at IRST — ITC (Trento, Italy) and the other one at 
VIT in our laboratory. A fourth system is currently dedicated to 
the mobile visualisation of industrial design at INDACO, the 
School of Industrial Design of the Politecnico di Milano 
(Milan, Italy). 
Figure 3. Visualisation of the Torre dei Mesi in Trento, Italy 
with the virtual theatre. Details of the ceiling. 
3.1 Content-based retrieval of images 
This section presents a new algorithm for the indexation and 
retrieval of images. Pictures and images are of the outmost 
importance in virtual collections. They are (and will remain in 
a foreseeable future) the easiest, fastest and most economical 
mean for creating virtual collections. Furthermore, most three- 
dimensional models are covered with textures. The textures 
constitute an important visual descriptor for the model under 
consideration and convey essential historical, artistic and 
archaeological information. For instance, the most important 
information about the Crypt of Santa Cristina described above 
comes from the frescoes, which correspond to the textures. This 
phenomenon is even more evident in the case of la Torre 
Images are difficult to describe. They convey a large amount of 
complex and ambiguous information. The ambiguity is due to 
the fact that an image is a bidimensional projection of the three- 
dimensional world and by the fact that the illumination of this 
world is arbitrary and cannot be controlled. Because of this 
ambiguity and complexity, it is difficult to segment images and 
to understand them [7]. For the above-mentioned reasons, we 
propose a statistical approach in which the overall composition 
of the image is described in an abstract manner. 
We now depict our algorithm. The colour distribution of each 
images is describes in terms of hue and saturation. This colour 
space imitates many characteristics of the human visual system. 
The hue corresponds to our intuition of colour e.g. red, green or 
blue while saturation corresponds to the colour strength e.g. 
light red or deep red. 
Then, a set of points is sampled from the image. À quasi- 
generates the points. In the present 
random sequence

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