Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Real 3D presentations use all available bi- and monocular 
physiological and psychological depth cues. Within these 
images of space, continuous effects of parallax occur in all 
directions. The main technologies for production of these 
images are volumetric imaging, light emitting volume, rotating 
helix mirror and processes of holography. [Bollmann et al 
Basically these three different kinds of visual presentation are 
dominated by the theory of spatial perception, the physical 
parameters of the display and the graphical semiotic. The 
parameters for the visual perception of depth are classified in 
physiological and psychological terms. The physiological 
parameters describe the technique of the human visual system 
and include retinal parallax, accommodation, convergence and 
the parallax of movement. The psychological class 1s 
independent from the technical condition, supporting relations 
between the real and percepted world and strengthens the 
spatial impression. It consists of the size of the retinal picture, 
linear-perspective, air-perspective, overlay and hiding, shading 
and gradients of texture. [Albertz 1997] 
Due to the fact that multimedia 3D cartography not only 
consists of visual presentation, but which forms a substantial 
focusing point, a more common classification may be added. 
Based upon the work of Heim [1998] four "I" factors are 
important for creating a multimedia 3D cartographic application 
_ immersion, interactivity, information intensity and 
intelligence of objects [MacEachren et al 1999]. 
The intelligence of objects specifies the possibilities for 
supporting users in interpreting a cartographic environment, the 
information intensity is a formalisation for the “level of detail” 
— in this sense the amount of information presented — , 
interactivity assist users in orientation finding and information 
extraction. Immersion names the submersion of a user in the 
virtual cartographic environment. 
The factor of immersion is strongly connected to the parameters 
of visual perception. The definition ^..a psychological state 
characterised by perceiving oneself to be enveloped by, 
included in, and interacting with an environment..." [Witmer 
and Singer 1998, p.227] assumes the existence of psychological 
and physiological parameters for spatial perception. The more 
parameters — depth cues — used by a visual user interface, the 
more an user will be immersed into the virtual environment. 
32 Knowledge acquisition 
The assimilation of information within a multimedia 3D 
environment does not only depend on depth cues but also on 
processes of memorising and learning. Therefore a 3D 
environment may be a helpful tool when thinking about active 
knowledge acquisition. 
Following. the principle of Zimbardo [1995], knowledge 
acquisition is supported by the grouping of information and the 
usage of individual rules of organisation and order. In 
cartographic tasks this means that criteria for similarities of 
body structure and temporal behaviors, common meaning and 
organisational structures according to semantical classification 
and hierarchical structuring are being made [Buziek 2000]. 
In addition the learning theory of Bandura reverts to a dual 
coding. It says that the establishing of knowledge is based upon 
learning of direct experience and representative experience. 
Therefore imitating and evaluating sequences of imitation 
[Bandura 1987]. 
The construction of patterns and the adoption of categorical 
behaviors is activated by processes of enhancement and 
motivation, which may be evoked by the usage of different 
modalities of the same information — e.g. changing of color and 
sound to express one information [Dransch 1997]. With the 
help of individual memory-structures, changing knowledge of 
an environment is a process of building, storing and realisation 
(essentially as patterns). New experiences, interactions and 
situational activities change stored knowledge and reshape it. 
Perception and knowledge acquisition is a continuous activity 
that may be depicted as cycle of perception [Neisser 1979]. 
Spatial perception and knowledge acquisition are the two main 
aspects in the transmission of spatially related information. Both 
may be combined as the notion communication. At a very 
common approach communication consists of a sender-acceptor 
model, which describes the coding- decoding and interpretation 
of information. During the interpretation part errors may occur 
depending on the user's experiences. 
This observation supports the system's theoretical description of 
communication. It says that each individual builds-up their own 
island — truth or understanding — of the real world depending on 
their experiences and knowledge. Communication can only 
exist, if these islands of understanding overlap. In the end 
“truth” will be what the acceptor understood and interpreted, 
but not what the sender said (system theoretical description — 
The knowledge transfer within a 3D multimedia presentation 
underlies these theories and observations. It consists of three 
islands — reality, the mapmaker and the user — where the number 
of user islands is infinite. Overlapping within the user groups 
takes place according to similarities of knowledge and 
experience. For the author the hypothesis that the elaborated 
usage of 3D presentation and metaphors may support the 
cartographic communication process exists. It is based on 
keeping up habits of perception and a familiar environment and 
thus combining and overlapping the individual islands. 
The aim of a multimedia 3D cartographic application for 
cultural heritage would be a reasonable and sustainable product 
for experts and equally for educational purposes for the public. 
Therefore the aspects of communication — psychological and 
physiological parameters of spatial perception and knowledge 
acquisition — as well as technical requirements — concerning 
data quality, data description, data formats, programming 
techniques and semiotic issues — have to be considered. In 
addition the lifetime and durability of digital media and long- 
term archival concepts must not be disregarded. 
Results of photogrammetricly recorded objects, remote sensing 
and GIS should be combined in this cartographic application. 
Before, a common description of data and formats are needed. 
Of course the rules of cartographic generalisation and 
symbolisation also have to be borne in mind and applied 
dependent on the scale or “level of detail” required. 
4.1 Graphical elements in a cartographic 3D application 
A 3D multimedia presentation combines visual, aural and, 
depending on the user interface, tactile components with the 
characteristics of “multimedia”, computer-based, multi-modal, 
interactivity, multi-coding. 
The most used interface for computer based applications is the

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