Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
virtual reality using the ancient city of Sagalassos in Turkey as a 
test case. 
The system concept includes several modeling and recording 
tools, a database to store and retrieve the virtual artefacts and 
buildings and an outstanding visualisation application. 
The visualisation component takes care of: 
- large and complex scenes, so that very fine details of some 
of the finds may be shown in large scales; 
— different user, application and hardware profiles, so that the 
systems is adaptable for experts as well as for a wide public 
- time-dependent data, so that finds can be presented over a 
large historical time span, where most of the objects have 
been moved around and have different dates of creation. 
[Hynst et al 2002] 
The user of this system can navigate virtually through a 
standalone high quality site visualisation system noticing level- 
of-detail selection, predicting the next views and exploiting 
humans reduced visual resolution while moving. From a 
cartographic point of view: this system uses — for the most part 
— large scales and does not give an cartographic interpreted 
overview of the region and neighbouring sites. It uses a terrain 
with orthographic imagery as texture to bear some reference to 
the topography. 
The third and last example is taken from the spatial planning 
community and introduces the “Digital LAndscape Server” 
(DILAS) project, a commercial product line from GEONOVA 
AG and serves as a platform for applied research and 
The DILAS system architecture relies on commercial database 
technologies (Oracle 91 DBMS) and consists of a server, 
manager, 3D modeler and scene generator. 
The 3D object data-management model is fully object -oriented 
for 3D geo-objects and incorporates the capability for multiple 
levels of detail as well as texture and appearance information. 
The 3D object type is supplemented by a number of spatial data 
types to represent very large mosaics of high resolution terrain 
and texture data — like raster maps, ortho-imagery, terrain and 
surface models. 
The storage concept for 3D objects is a persistence framework 
built on top of a DBMS with the representation in Java and 
XML. Thus it provides an optimum in modelling flexibility in 
combination with an excellent object query and retrieval 
The visualisation module provides a broad range of “standard” 
GIS functionality and a number of features, which specifically 
support the visualisation and animation of reality-based 3D 
[Nebiker 2003] 
These three examples represent an non-homogeneous but actual 
overview of the present state of art. Coming from cartography, 
archaeology and landscape planning one common goal is 
noticeable: an easy understandable communication of spatial 
related information with the help of multimedia and 3D. The 
different access to maps and the specific understanding of maps 
results in varying concepts of visualisation and expression of 
needs within the application. 
The effect of multimedia 3D cartography on the communication 
process, knowledge acquisition and common understanding is 
not well known and controversial at the moment. Some research 
in the psychological aspect and usability tests have to be done. 
The usage of existing examples could help to achieve results 
and to support further intentions. 
Based on the technical aspect nearly no limitations are 
observable. Considering technical requirements, like data 
quality, data description, data formats, programming techniques 
and semiotic issues, the combination of data from different 
derivations, surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing and 
GIS, cannot be seen as a problem. In addition the development 
of new user interfaces enables the utilisation of all depth cues. 
This results in intuitive and realistic perceptible presentation of 
information. For this reason semantic issues become more 
important and have to be further investigated. 
The main task of cartography — to communicate spatial related 
information — may be supported in context with topography 
with the help of multimedia 3D cartographic applications due to 
a common understood plattform and perception of space. 
Supporting knowledge acquisition and therefore the 
understanding of spatial and cultural topics follows educational 
needs, which may result in bridging the continents and 
encourage the work of cultural heritage. 
The aim of work to create an interpretative tool that combines 
photogrammetry, cartography and archaeology. A prototype 
mixed reality, or augmented reality, application will be 
established in addition to a working cartographic information 
environment. The main foci are the communication of spatially 
related archaeological information and on the transition 
between 2D and 3D. 
Applications will provide the tools for the fieldwork related to 
expert groups or museums installations. 
Albertz J., 1997. Die dritte Dimension — Elemente der 
räumlichen Wahrnehmung, in Wahrnehmung und Wirklichkeit, 
Freie Akademie, Berlin. 
Bandura A., 1987. Sozial kognitive Lerntheorie, Klett-Cotta, 
Bollmann J, Koch G.W., Lipinski A., 2002. Lexikon der 
Kartografie, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag GmbH, 
Heidelberg, Berlin. 
Buchroithner M.F., 2002. Autostereoskopische kartografische 
3D-Visualisierung, Kartografische Schriften, Band 6, DGfK, 
Kirschbaum Verlag Bonn. 
Buziek G., 2000. Theoretische Grundlagen der Gestaltung von 
Animationen und praktische Beispiele, in Dynamische 
Visualisierung, Springer Verlag, Berlin — New York. 
Cartwright W., Peterson M.P., Gartner G., 1999. Multimedia 
Cartography, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York. 
Dorninger P., 2003. XML and Geodata. CORP 2003 - 8" 
International Symposium on Information and Communication 
Technologies in Urban and Spatial Planning. TU Vienna.

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