Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
The 3D engine be applied in many project. Figure 19 shows 
some results created by PowerCity3D. 
The results show that the 3D engine can render highly reality 3D 
scene and user can obtain highly immersion. User can ramble in 
3D scene and inquire information based on database. In the 
future, we will pay more attention to study in large dataset 
accelerate rendering and object action simulation. 
(a) Terrain rendering 
& 30 ! 
Oe FFL sti 8900 30 RE 2001.10 
ce EB TE 10000 (AR SE N 2002.1 
[32 NEE 2 8200 30 ne 
[Oss x Dr 7000 20 e 2002.1 
I] ef\Outpue 1 Output Z7 Ouipst 3 7 n 
(d) Information inquire 
Fig 19. 3D scene in PowerCity3D 
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