Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

A. Roditakis 
ETHZ, Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, CH 8093 Hoenggerberg Zurich, Switzerland 
Commission V, WG V/6 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Meteorology, Modeling, Visualization, Graphics, Hardware, Rendering, Point Cloud. 
Visualization of gaseous phenomena, such as smoke, fire or clouds has been a challenging issue in computer graphics due to the 
complicated geometry of such natural objects. In the early 80's, approaches that faced this problem tried to simplify the 
representation of such geometry, using simple particles or ellipsoids. During the last decade work was done on rendering fractal 
volumes and random textures in order to create a realistic turbulent image of random generated volumes, and in parallel, modeling of 
soft or 'blobby' objects (also known as 'metaballs") was combined with hardware accelerated volume rendering and gave some first 
convincing images of 3D gas volumes in near realtime. There has been large technological developments in the computer graphics 
hardware and a lot of work has been done from the computer graphics community on simulation of clouds, still there is not much 
done in the direction of modeling and rendering of such objects from real world measurements, and work is lacking on the issues that 
arise from datasets with incomplete spatial ot temporal resolution. 
In the presented work we use the modeling technique of metaballs based on cloud bottom and top height measurements taken during 
the CLOUDMAP2 project, in order to construct a 3D volume from point clouds. We present the problems that arise from fitting the 
volume to the measured points, combination of cloud top and bottom height estimations with different resolutions and the generation 
of large volume data. Solutions to these problems are presented which include the calculation of cloud volumes, interpolation with 
cloud top height estimations from simultaneous ground based and satellite observations and finally we present various methods to 
render such volumes using hardware and software assisted techniques. 
1.1 Motivation and aim of work 
The work presented in this paper, was conducted in the frame 
of a EU project called CLOUDMAP2. It targeted on the 
parameterization of macro- and micro-physical properties of 
clouds through the combination of space-bourne and ground 
based sensors. This fusion of sensors helps to calibrate and 
validate satellite products that could provide global coverage 
for the cloud location and distribution, and thus help us 
understand better the role of clouds in the interaction between 
Earth's climate and anthropogenic inputs. The final aim of our 
work was to create a processing chain that would take the cloud 
top and bottom heights estimations as input, and deliver a three 
dimensional visualization of cloud fields, that would provide us 
with an instant image of the cloud shape and distribution over 
measured areas. Furthermore we want to underline the 
difficulties that come from using real world data for cloud 
modelling and rendering, where we witness blunders, errors 
and areas with missing values. These problems do not appear in 
case studies for cloud rendering, since we notice that for the 
demonstration of new modelling and rendering techniques, 
authors use artificially generated data with uniform resolution 
and coverage (perfect data). 
1.2 Overview 
Within the EU project Cloudmap2, several measurement 
campaigns were conducted in the area of Switzerland, where 
simultaneous measurements from ground digital cameras and 
satellite sensors were conducted, in order to estimate cloud 
bottom and top heights and winds. From the bottom side, a 
configuration of digital cameras provides stereo cloud bottom 
heights photogrammetrically, while at the same time a satellite 
passes over the area aqcuiring images, which provide us with 
stereo top heights. As the focus of the present work lies on the 
modelling and visualization of these measurements into clouds, 
details on the methods used in the aqcuisition step can be found 
in the published work of other participants of the 
CLOUDMAP2 project (Seiz, 2002), (Mayer et. al, 2003). 
Starting from the cloud bottom heights we cleaned the dataset 
from points that did not belong to clouds, and as a next step we 
experimented with modelling the cloud bottom height, using 
polygonal modelling and texturing to simulate the appearrance 
of clouds. Similar work had been done by (Lee, 1996) and we 
also cocnluded that this method presents limited options for 3D 
cloud fields. We continued on the path of previous work done 
on visualization of fluids and applied some basic volume . 
rendering techniques, In the modeling aspect we tried two 
different options for a definition of a 3D cloud field, the first 
being a straightforward 3D regular grid calculation, and the 
second influenced by the work from Nishita and others 
(Nishita, 1996) on soft body modelling using 'meta-balls', also 
known as 'soft-balls. These two methods interpolated the 
distinct points over a 3D grid, with the second having the 
advantage of smooth blending of neighbouring points. 
Rendering of this three-dimensional cloud field was also 
performed by utilizing two different techniques in parallel. We 
tested the well known method for visualizing three-dimensional 
iso-surfaces called 'marching cubes', which provided us with 
rendering of a surface of the cloud field, with a chosen 1S0- 
parametric value, and in parallel we implemented a hardware 
accelerated volume rendering technique, using OpenGL 
language and textured two-dimensional slices of the volume. 
Finally we made use of an existing software library, used at the 
National Center for Atmospheric Research, at Colorado, USA 
(Lacroute, 1994), (NCAR URL) that although doesn't deliver 
real-time rendering of the volume field, its high performance in 
combination with the realistic lighting calculations, gave until 
now the best results as far as visual quality is concerned. In 
order to demosntrate the difference of an extrapolated 3D cloud 
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