Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

points measured. A successful segmentation into cloud objects 
would require to take into consideration the spatial realtions 
between the measured points. An existing method that attracted 
attention was the modelling of potential 3D fields and the 
display of iso-potential values, using implicit density functions. 
Figure 4: Metaball of radius R (left), blending of metaballs in 
2D (middle) and 3D (right) 
These set of functions evaluate the value of the field using the 
distance from specified ‘source points. A sphere around each 
point defines the area of influence, out of which the density is 0 
(Figure 4). This techique was first applied in modelling free 
form surfaces, which are defined as the iso-potential surface of 
a value V. The objects modelled in this manner are called 
‘metaballs’, or ‘softballs’ or ‘blobs’ (Nishita, 1996). Their 
Figure 5: Application of metaballs on GB measurements 
with different metaball radii 
application was extended into modelling clouds by (Dobashi, 
2000), in combination with hardware accelerated rendering 
with realistic results. 
Our first effort in this direction was to construct the functions 
that calculate the field density, based on the distance from the 
‘source’ points. In our case the source points were the CBH 
point measurements themselves and since the points were 
organized on a regular grid, we used the resolution of this grid, 
as the fall-out radius for the metaballs. The visualisation of the 
isosurface at this stage has been implemented using polygons. 
The extraction of the iso-surface into a polygonal model was 
done using the well known ‘marching cubes’ algorithm. The 
algorithm can be divided into three sub-routines. First the 
object space 1s divided into cubes, at a resolution that we decide 
and the user supplies the iso-value that desires to extract. Next 
the algorithm for every cube evaluates the field on every cube 
vertex and calculates the difference with the desired iso-value. 
According to the sign of the difference on the cube-vertices, 
the algorithm finds in a pre-calculated lookup table, in which 
case falls the intersection of the iso-surface with the cube edges. 
This speeds up the decision which cube-edges have to be 
interpolated, in order to create the triangle that represents the 
The results depend on the resolution of the cube grid, and in our 
case this plays a signifficant role in calculation and rendering 
times. For example in GB measurements, depending on the 
average bottom height the coverage varies from 1 to 4 Km in 
each horizontal direction in a resolution of approximately 5m, 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
depending again on the cloud average height. The coverage of 
the scene from the point cloud is irrelevant, since this algorithm 
covers the whole object space, disregarding holes in the object. 
The time consuption is largely due to calculation of the 
intersections and for a scene, with dimensions as described 
above, 2-3 minutes are required to compute the triangular 
We applied the forementioned 'metaballs' technique in order to 
calculate the pixel values for a cloud scene. (Mayer, 2003), 
(Nishita, 1996). Around each of the point measurements a 
sphere of influence is placed, with the amount of influence 
decreasing as the distance from the centre increases according 
to a density function (Figure 4). This allows us to estimate a 
density value on a regular grid, which comes from all 
metaballs' that include the current grid vertex, weighted by 
their influence. The result of applying this method on a set of 
ground-based measurements is shown in Figure 5, where the 
outer shell of the estimated cloud volume is shown in the form 
of polygonal surface. 
Due to the large computational times, for a whole scene taken 
from EO measurements we started the implementation of 
hierarchical grid structure, for increasing the storage and speed 
performance. We noticed that this issue has been addressed in 
the past by the computer graphics community and we chose a 
software library used at the National Centre for Atmospheric 
Research, at Boulder Colorado, for similar purposes as ours 
(NCAR URL). It is based on the "shear-warp' algorithm for fast 
volume rendering (Volpack URL) (Lacroute, 1994), and 
facilitates a complete workflow from reading raw volumetric 
data , storing colour, transparency and normal vector 
information in compressed files, to rendering the volume data. 
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Figure 6: The aLMo coverage 
The compression schemes (r/e and octree) allow the storage of 
the volume data values, together with the transfer functions 
which determine the colour and opacity of the medium. The r/e 
(Run Length Encoded) scheme is optimal for viewing the same 
volume under different viewing transformations and shading 
parameters, while the octree scheme performs better with 
volumes with varying transfer function. 
The pre-processed volumes have larger file size (up to four 
times) in comparison with the raw binary data, and this happens 
due to the material colour/transparency and normal vector 
information that have to be stored within. Keeping all these 
information together in one volume file, is though a more 
important advantage since the processing time is significantly 
reduced. The software is based on the Tcl scripting language 
and can be combined with the existing C source easily. The 
sequence of commands needed to be passed to the Tcl 
interpreter are saved in script files, and can be called within any 
C program. | 
We continued by importing the alpine local model (aLMo) 
(source: Meteo Swiss) into the volume rendering procedure. 
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