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Grids from numerical models describe the Cloud Liquid
Content in %, in 7x7 Km? cells, covering an area of 1401x1197
Kn* (Figure 6). The vertical size is not uniform, and this was
an obstacle in importing the grid into a volume suitable for
volume rendering. The aLMo NWP data-set is used as test for
3D cloud field modeling and interpolation of irregular grid to
regular was performed in IDL programming environment due
to the ease of handling 3D arrays of data.
At the current stage we started with importing 3D cloud fields
from combined ground-based and satellite observations into the
Volsh volume rendering procedure. The data originate from the
GB and EO measurements that took place in April 2002, over
the Kloten airport near Zurich. The area covered from the EO
measurements is 55x55 Km? and approximately 2x2 Km? from
the GB observations. The 3D cloud field is described by the
cloud top height (CTH), the cloud liquid water (DLR product)
estimated on the whole of the grid from the MISR satellite data
and the CBH information extrapolated over the area covered
from the GB measurements.
2.3 Development of rendering methods
In parallel with the development of 3D cloud fields we used
several techniques for visualization of 3D cloud volumes. After
the creation of these volumes, based on the metaball technique
(see Section 2.2), we implemented a hardware assisted
rendering method (Woo, 1999) which is used often in volume
rendering. In its simplest form we create planar cross-sections
of the volume, oriented towards the viewer, which are in the
end blended together. The resulting image is the combination of
Figure 7: Volume Rendering with
planar slices
the colour from all planes, multiplied by their transparency.
Using the example of the previous section we supply a sample
rendering in Figure 7, where we can see that the absence of
lighting calculations (shadows) in the volume results in
difficulty understanding the depth of a volume. This problem
can be solved as in (Dobashi, 2000), where lighting calculations
are performed by sorting each of the planes towards the light
source, and calculating an attenuation factor for each plane.
This factor represents the amount of light that reaches a plane
after passing through the other planes that lie in front of the
light source, and determine its shade level.
We further improved the interactivity our rendering method by
introducing dynamic levels of detail for the 3-dimensional
volume. The levels are created by the graphics processor from
the original resolution data, and the OpenGL graphics library
handles the display and transition between the levels. In order
to avoid aliasing effects from undersampling the original
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
volume and the LoDs' transition we tried trilinear interpolation,
which improved the image quality of the texture. but slowed
down the frame rate significantly. In parallel we had
implemented the import procedure into the Volsh library (see
Section 2.1) and tried its rendering capabilities (Figure 8). The
procedure is no more real-time, but the rendering times are
quite low. For example a volume of 256x128x64 pixels is
rendered in approximatelly 3 seconds.
To the advantages of the last rendering approach we count the
option to add shading to the volume, which increases the
realism of the resulting image, and the option to adjust the
transfer function, which defines the material properties of the
medium for every value of the scalar variable, in near real-time.
This means that we can interactively change the material
properties, and focus on some specific range of the scalar value,
leaving the outliers transparent. For the animation, we have the
option to record some key-positions and create the intermediate
Figure 8: Volume rendering using 'Volsh'
frames, by interpolating between the neigbour key-positions,
thus limiting the number of commands necessary to render the
frame sequence. Finally the library is based on the Tcl scripting
language, which allows the execution of any external program
in combination with the rendering procedure. This allows us,
for example, to automate the production of animations, and
deliver video from the separate rendered frames.
For the disadvantages we can mention the absence of
perspective projection in the library (only parallel projection is
available), and the complexity to manipulate the camera
flightpath to create key-frames for the animation of volumes.
A rendering of the whole scene (Figure 9) revealed problems
with poor rendering quality, which result from the fact that the
input data are the surface points measured from the EO
observations and do not correspond to a 3D volume, but a
In order to evaluate the performance of the procedure with 3D
volumes we imported the CLC - cloud cover- variable from the
alpine local model, used at MeteoSwiss (see Section 1), and
created an animation of a fly-through around the rendered
volume. A snapshot from this animation is given in Figure 10.
We continued by visualising the interpolated 3D Cloud Liquid
Water, from the combined EO and GB measurements, taken in
April 2002. These measurements are a fusion of the MISR
Cloud Top Height estimations over Zurich-Kloten and the
ground-based CBH estimations, taken at the same time, using
the ground camera system developed at ETH Zurich. The
measurements cover a different extent of the area and the CBH
were extrapolated over the whole extent.