Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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Karel Pavelka, "Eva Stefanová, "Lena Halounová, ' Martin Stroner 
'Head of Laboratory of Photogrammetry, Dept. Mapping and Cartography, 
Tel.: *42024354951, Fax: 442024310774, E-mail: 
“Laboratory of Photogrammetry, Dept. Mapping and Cartography, 
Tel.: 442024354905, Fax: +42024310774, E-mail: stefanova@fsv.cvut.cz 
"Laboratory of Remote Sensing, Dept. Mapping and Cartography, 
Tel.: +42024354952, Fax: +420243 10774, E-mail: halounova(@fsy.cvut.cz 
* Dept. Special Geodesy, Tel.: +42024354735, Fax: +42024310774, E-mail: martin.stroner@fsv.cvut.ez 
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 
Thákurova 7, 166 09, Prague 6, Czech Republic 
Commission V, Working Group V/6 
KEYWORDS: Photogrammetry, Cultural Heritage, Visualisation, Non-Metric, Archeology 
There are many tombs of Czech kings and princes at the Prague Castle. Some remains of the Czech princes and their wives from the 
Pfemysl epoch  (9" century-1306 A.D.) were transported to a new cathedral of St.Vitus (1373) by the emperor and Czech king 
Charles IV (1316-1378) in the middle ages. The tombstones were made in the well-known stone workshop of the Parlér family. 
Some tombs were partly damaged and opened during the Thirty Years War. Majority of the tombs were investigated in the 19" and 
20" centuries. The tombs of Bofivoj II (1100-1124) and Bfetislav II (1092-1100) were restored in 2002. Mixed stones with lime 
were discovered under the upper part of the tomb; the space for the remains was been found under this layer and under the floor 
level. In the case of tomb Bietislav II, the prince, the last unknown opening has been stated in the 19" century (a small lead tablet 
with the date was found). In the case of Bofivoj II, the prince, the tomb has not been opened for more than 600 years (from the 
Charles IV time). It is a single undiscovered Pfemysl’s tomb at the Prague Castle. This is because of large two stones (2x3m) shield 
the space over remains in the ground. The decision on status quo has been made after discussions. The reconnaissance using 
endoscopes has only been allowed. The 3D visualisation of the Bofivoj Il tomb interior is the theme of this paper. 
In spring 2002, the sculptures on the tombs of Bofivoj II (1100- 
1124) and Bretislav II (1092-1100) were restored. Within this 
work, discovering of the space for the remains in both cases was 
planned. Mixed stones with lime were discovered under the 
sculptures; the lower part of the tomb located under the floor 
(cca 100x50x100cm) contains the remains of Czech princes. 
The decision on status quo has been made after discussions. The 
reconnaissance using endoscopes has only been allowed. Only 
the images from this device were used for possible creation of a 
3D model. For a small camera input, the 2cm distance between 
two stones covering the tomb was prepared. Finally, two types 
of miniature cameras were used: the XL PRO VideoProbe 
(Everest- Vit) and the MTV-54C5P (Mintron) camera. In both 
cases, video sequences were obtained. From these video 
sequences singe images were generated with resolution 
768x575 pixels. 
The VideoProbe XL PRO™ is the most advanced remote 
viewing tool. It is especially designed to be easy to use and still 
offer unmatched imaging capabilities with options to suit 
virtually any applications. With number of accessories and 
options available, the XL PRO is ready to be adapted to any 
inspections situations, for example the using in archaeological 
purposes. The video bore scope consists of hand-piece buttons, 
joystick and on-board file manager, high resolution camera for 
true colour images, external monitor and recording device with 
S-video inputs. The image sensor contains from 1/6'' colour 
CCD camera with resolution of 480 HTV lines S-video (440000 
pixels PAL). Exposure from interval 1/60 seconds up to 12 
seconds can be used. The XL PRO™ supports the use of 
interchangeable optical tips — the 3.9mm, 5mm, 6mm and 8mm 
diameter probe. 
The second used camera was MTV-54C5P (Mintron Enterprise 
Co.,Ltd). This device uses interchangeable objectives 
(f=16,12,8,6,4,2.5mm). The objective with focal length 6mm 
was used for majority of acquired images. Camera is build in a 
tube; it contains 1/4-inch CCD Image Sensor (PAL, CCD total 
pixel 542 (H) x 586(V), electronic shutter,1/50~1/120,000 sec., 
scanning with 625 lines, 50 fields/sec ). The camera MTV- 
54C5P is not a complex viewing tool; in this case, a special 
small halogen light source must be added. Video data were 
stored on digital video recorder. 

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