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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
2.1. Lambertian Reflectance Model
Lambertian surfaces are surfaces having only diffuse
reflectance, i.e. surfaces which reflect light in all directions The
brightness of a Lambertian surface is proportional to the energy
of the incident light The amount of light energy falling on a
surface element is proportional to the arca of the surface
clement as seen from the light source position that is cosine
function of the angle between the surface orientation and the
light source direction (7) . Therefore the Lambertian surface can
be modeled as the product of the strength of the light
source E, , the albedo of the surface A and the foreshortened
area cosi as follows:
I, 2 E, Acosi (1)
Where /, is the reflectance map (figurel). If the surface
normal and the light source direction both are unit vector the
above formula can be rewritten as:
‘=F ANS (2)
Where “ - ’represents dot product.
Recent work by Wolff has demonstrated that the Lambertian
model only really applies when the angle of incidence and the
angle of reflection is small (relative to the surface normal).
Importantly, Wolff has developed a simple modification of
Lambert's law, which accurately accounts for all illumination
and viewing directions.
2.2. Specular Reflectance Model
Specularity only occurs when the incident angle of the light
source is equal to the reflected angle. It is formed by two
components: the specular spike and the specular lobe.
The specular spike is zero in all directions except for a very
narrow range around the direction of specular reflection.
The specular lobe spreads around the direction of specular
reflection. The simplest model for specular reflection is
described by the following delta function:
1 =E 610 20) (3)
Where / is the specular brightness, Æ, is the strength of the
specular component, 0. is the angle between the light source
direction and the viewing direction and 0. is the angle
between the surface normal and the viewing direction. This
model assumes that the highlight caused by specular reflection
is only a single point, but in real life this assumption is not true.
Figure 2. Sprcular reflection
2.3. Hybrid Reflectance Model
Most surfaces in the real world are neither purely Lambertian
nor purely specular, they are a combination of both. That is,
they are hybrid surfaces. One straightforward equation for a
hybrid surface is:
1=(1-a)l, +al, (4)
Where / is the total brightness for the hybrid surface,
I A ; are the specular brightness and Lambertian brightness,
respectively, and @ is the weight of the specular component.
One of the hybrid models that are used in photogrammetry is
the Lommel-Seeliger that assumes the radiance observed at a
sensor comes from light scattered by all particles in the
medium lying within the field of view of the sensor. Therefore
the Lommel-Seeliger law contains not only the incidence angle
I but also the emittance angle €:
cos: +cose
Where /, is the Lommel seeliger brightness. This law is a
good description of the light scattering behaviour of low albedo
surface. In the figure 3a ,3b the two reflectance models are
depicted graphically with respect to the incidence and
emittance angle. According to the figures and the equations, for
the lommel-seeliger módel for a vertical image of a horizontal