Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
between support and bearing (figure 17). The first crack width 
starts with about 0.02 mm, and ends a short time before failure 
with about 0.20 mm. 
5.3 Plate Tests 
More complex to assess and, to this, more difficult to estimate 
are plates, which are loaded biaxial by tensile or compressive 
force from one or two sides. 
The measurement area with 30 x 30 cm? was prepared with 59 x 
59 targets (figure 18). Figure 19 shows the evolution of the 
crack pattern. 
Figure 19: Crack pattern of a plate test in selected epochs 
The method is robust against missing targets. Figure 19 shows a 
measurement display with blank areas. There the concrete was 
too defective to fix all targets. It is possible to interpolate the 
missing targets without a strong smearing of the crack 
Structures (figure 20). 
Figure 20: Interpolated targets 
The paper describes several applications of digital 
photogrammetry for monitoring cracks at concrete elements 
during research experiments. The specimens are prepared with 
circular targets and photographed with up to three digital 
cameras simultaneously. The cracks are causing a variation in 
the distance between adjacent targets, which is measured 
photogrammetrically. Thus the evolution of the cracks can be 
observed as soon as the width of the cracks exceed at least 5 — 
10 um. The above-mentioned examples show, that digital 
photogrammetry as non-contact measurement technique is 
useful in research projects of civil engineering. 
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