Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Both axes for laser range finder and amateur digital camera 
are adjusted by two mirrors (mirror and half mirror). 
OLYMPUS C-3040 (3.14 mega pixels) 
* Laser profiler 
Leica LDS-1 (accuracy is +3mm to 40m) 
+ PC 
Pentium Ill 850Hz 
Laser range finder and amateur digital camera are 
controlled by personal computer, and captured image data 
and measured distance data are recorded on hard disk 
(mounted on 10GB). 
+ Monitor 
6.4-inch display is used as a finder and PC monitor. 
Figure 1. Appearance of the IBIM 
In order to perform camera calibration, at least 6 space 
distances for the points, which show feature on object field 
from the center of a camera, have to be measured by laser 
profiler. These feature points are defined as temporal GCP in 
this paper. Then, 36 unknown parameters such as exterior 
orientation parameters for both camera {(Xo,, Yor, Zoi, €. Q1, 
Kr), (Xog, Yon, Zor. @r, Or Kr)}, interior orientation parameters 
(f (focal length), xy y, (principal points), a;, a», (scale factor), 
k; (lens distortion)} and 3D coordinates for the 6 temporal 
GCPs should be calculated. However, X or Y-axis and 2 points, 
which have the same height value or height values for 2 points, 
are required to prevent rotations. Therefore, origin point and the 
point, which define the X-axis direction, are selected. 3D 
coordinates for the origin point and the point are assumed (0, 0, 
0) and (X,, 0, 0) respectively. As a result, 30 parameters 
become unknowns, and these unknown parameters are 
calculated by collinearity condition and space distances 
simultaneously. Detail calibration procedures are as follows. 
Figure 3. Concept of measurement by the IBIM 
Dos Measurement ....., geeretee septies Control Part. eee ; 
: Part i : ; 
Mirror i Control | Mother Board 
: Laser Wf i ‘ 
: Range Finder |... » | HDD | | CPU | = 
i i Distance | e 
1 5 
E earteeneeseererteituekesia dera de net Data " MEMORY | "5 
y 4 : 
1 = 
Le | 
Lh oem: 
pren eee ee frei i : 
; Control ı Image : 
E : [1 en = —————— - Data 
; Lj] Digital 
Camera | h.n Video 
Half Image Capture Battery 
Mirror Data. Device 
sini vie Image Acquiring Part eee] HAMM 3 
Figure 2. Configuration of the IBIM 

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