Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

art BS. Istanbul 2004 
Die Konservierung 
MA/konserve.htm J. García-León* *, A. M. Felicísimo, J. J. Martínez ? 
* Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, 30202 Cartagena, Spain — (josefina.leon, 
Eos Systems Inc., pp. juanjo.martinez)@upct.es 
mé neizegeben“ b Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Escuela Politécnica, Universidad de Extremadura, 10071 Cáceres, 
o-dk00021 L.shtml Spain - amfeli@unex.es 
Session code PS, WG V/1 
ation of the Bremen ; 
67.4: pp.372-373. KEY WORDS: Cultural Heritage, Architecture, Statistics, Reliability, Method. 
- Anmerkungen zum 
alterlicher — Schiffs- 
für  Unterwasser- 
A Digital Surface Model (DSM) generated by automatic stereo matching of convergent image networks includes a great number of 
3D-points that come from diverse combinations of stereo-pairs. This points can have a very different accuracy and reliability, in 
addition to a great and nondesirable spatial redundancy. 
s, The International We analized ditferent methods to generate several synthesis DSM whose points are the result of a statistic process. The aim is to 
Sensing and Spatial obtain a regular mesh of points whose Z coordinates are estimated from the whole set of data over the interpolating function. We 
istria, Vol. XXXIV choose the best of them using a random mesh of points whose coordinates were measuredby multiple direct intersection. 
Xf digital consumer 
seolnformation (IPI) 
unschweig for the The purpose of photogrametric methods basing on automatic 
ei D7 metric” for the correlation is to generate massive clouds of points (figure 3). 
lera was very stable, García-León et al. 2003 is an example of the use of a 
is very high and the convergent geometry (figure 2), from which a great deal of 
vas uncomplicated. information has been drawn. This paper also demonstrates that 
these data can undergo selection regarding the value of the 
correlation coefficient. Selection eliminates bad quality data 
and simplifies matters, in spite of which, the amount of 
resulting points is still huge. In this paper, a method to filtrate 
these points is introduced, in order to achieve a model of 
synthesis surface without appreciable loss in accuracy. 
Several methods have been used; for example, Kriging, broadly 
used in other disciplines and based upon sound statistical 
principles, since it ensures an optimal interpolating function. 
The aim is to obtaim a regular mesh of points whose Z 
coordinates are estimated from the whole set of data over the 
interpolating function. 
2. DATA 
Figure 1. Southern facade of San Mateo Church. 
This work was carried out on one of the churches of the 
historical centre: San Mateo Church, sited in Cáceres (Western 
Spain, city declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1986). The 
Southern facade has a complex design due to the presence of 
one tower and some relieves that frame the main gate. All these 
elements make this church ideal for our study (Figure 1). 
* Corresponding author.

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