Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

M. Ritter * *, M. Hemmleb ", O. Sinram ", J. Albertz" and H. Hohenberg * 
* HPL, Electron Microscopy and Micro Technology Group, D-20251 Hamburg, Germany - 
(ritter, hohenberg)@hpi.uni-hamburg.de 
? TU Berlin, Photogrammetry and Cartography, D-10623 Berlin, Germany - 
(hemmleb, sinram, albertz)@fpk.tu-berlin.de 
Commission V, WG 1 
KEY WORDS: Accuracy, Calibration, Close Range, Comparison, Correction, Microscopy, Orientation, Photogrammetry 
We present a new micrometer-sized 3D calibration structure containing nanomarkers that serve as well distinguishable 
reference points for the calibration of various 3D micro-range measurement methods, e.g. scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 
and environmental SEM (ESEM). The 3D calibration object was fabricated using gas-assisted focused ion beam (FIB) metal 
deposition. This technique proved to be a valuable tool, as it principally allows the construction of variously shaped 
microstructures that can be perfectly adapted to the special specifications of the sensor to be calibrated. The spatial data of 
the 38 non-symmetrically distributed nanomarkers were obtained by high-precision atomic force microscopy (AFM). The 
accuracy of the nanomarker measurement is shown and the efficiency of the calibration is demonstrated by triangulation and 
spatial intersection. Additionally, alternative micro-range measurement methods, e.g. confocal laser scanning microscopy 
(CLSM) and scanning profilometry were tested for possible application of the calibration structure. 
The importance and number of micro- and nano- 
technological applications in material science and in life 
science is rapidly increasing. The 3D analysis of 
microstructures generated by micro-fabrication as well as the 
spatial characterization of surface details requires adequate 
sensors and micro-range measurement methods. In general, 
all measurement processes are subdivided into contact and 
non-contact methods. Whereas most close range 
measurements work with tactile mechanisms or use light 
waves as information carriers, a variety of methods have 
been developed for non-contact micro-range measurements. 
An overview of relevant 3D micro-range measurement 
methods will be given in chapter 2. 
A most suitable sensor is the electron microscope. Modern 
techniques in scanning electron microscopy like ESEM- 
technology offer the possibility of imaging even hydrated 
microstructures while maintaining their original 3D 
topography. The application of photogrammetric methods 
for the analysis of electron microscopic data has a long 
tradition and has become the method of choice for the 
quantitative 3D-reconstruction of SEM or (ESEM) images: 
SEM data provide a large depth of focus, a high signal to 
noise ratio and images can be captured over a wide range of 
magnification. The efficiency of the photogrammetric 
method has been proved in numerous applications e.g. the 
characterization of microstructures, the topographic analysis 
of frictions and the reconstruction of biological surfaces 
[Kónig et al., 1987, Scherrer et al., 1999, Hemmleb et al., 
2000, Hemmleb, 2001, Ritter et al., 2003]. 
However, quantitative photogrammetric reconstruction of 
electron microscopic data requires a set of basic 
components. We recently presented a micrometer-sized 3D 
* Corresponding author. 
calibration structure that allows the calibration of SEM 
[Sinram et al., 2002a]. Yet, also optical errors of alternative 
micro-range measurement methods, e.g. ESEM or confocal 
laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and scanning 
profilometry can be detected. The 3D microstructure was 
fabricated using gas-assisted focused ion (FIB) beam 
technique. Based on this technique, an optimally designed 
3D micro-object was created. The subsequent high precision 
spatial measuring with atomic force microscopy (AFM) made 
a calibration object out of the fabricated structure. 
Here, we describe a method which makes it possible to build 
3D structures of various size with a flexible design in order 
to fit specific applications. Multiple sensors could be 
calibrated and thus a comparative analysis of the 
quantitative microscopic data and their significance can be 
accomplished. Thus, we will give a short overview of 3D 
micro-range measurement methods connected to this work. 
2.1 Overview Micro-Range Measurement Methods 
Non-destructive 3D micro-range measurement methods exist 
in a great variety. For the determination of material 
parameters, typically tactile methods are chosen. Optical 
measurement methods are used for 3D surface or volumetric 
measurements. Various optical measurement techniques were 
adapted to micro-range requirements. For higher resolutions, 
methods are needed, which overcome the borders of light 
microscopy. Using electrons for imaging, the determination 
of 3D information results from image processing methods, 
e.g. photogrammetric or tomographic algorithms. Electron 
beam imaging in combination with 3D image processing 
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