Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
For the complete reconstruction of a static human model, a full 
360 degree azimuth image coverage is required. A single 
camera, with a fix focal length, is used. The image acquisition 
can last 30 seconds and this could be considered a limit of the 
process, as no movement of the person is required. The 3D 
shape reconstruction from the uncalibrated image sequence ls 
obtained with a process based on (1) calibration and orientation 
of the images, (2) matching process on the human body surface 
and (3) 3D point cloud generation and modeling. 
3.1 Camera calibration and image orientation 
The calibration. and orientation of the images have to be 
performed in order to extract precise 3D information of the 
character. The process (Figure 1) is based on a 
photogrammetric bundle adjustment; the required image 
correspondences (section 3.1.1) are found with an improved 
version of a process already presented in [Remondino, 2002]. 
Features : : Cross-Corr 
| Extraction nes + ALSM ; 
3 Views Pairwise | 
Epipolar Geometry Epipolar Geometry |. | 
Correspondences | |, — Self-calibrating 
Tracking Bundle Adjustment 
Automated Tie Points Extraction 
Figure 1: The camera calibration and image orientation pipeline. 
3.1.1 Automatic tie points extraction 
Most of the presented systems [e.g. Fitzgibbon et al., 1998; 
Pollefeys et al, 1998; Roth et al, 2000] developed for the 
orientation of image sequences with automatic extraction of 
corresponding points require very short baseline between the 
images (typically called 'shape-from-video') Few strategy 
instead can reliable deal with wide-baseline images [Tuytelaars 
et al, 2000; Remondino, 2002]. Our approach extracts 
automatically corresponding points with the following 6 steps: 
I. Interest points identification. A set of interest points or 
corners in each image of the sequence is extracted using 
Foerstner operator or Harris corner detector with a threshold 
on the number of corners extracted based on the image size. 
A good point distribution is assured by subdividing the 
images in small patches (9x9 pixel on an image of 
1200x1600) and keeping only the points with the highest 
interest value in those patches. 
2. Correspondences matching. The extracted features between 
adjacent images are matched at first with cross-correlation 
and then the results are refined using adaptive least square 
matching (ALSM) [Gruen, 1985]. Cross-correlation alone 
cannot always guarantee the correct match while the ALSM, 
with template rotation and reshaping, provides for more 
accurate results. The point with biggest correlation coefficient 
is used as approximation for the template matching process. 
The process returns the best match in the second image for 
each interest point in the first image. 
3. Filtering false correspondences. Because of the unguided 
matching process, the found matched pairs often contain 
outliers. Therefore a filtering of the incorrect matches is 
performed using the disparity gradient between the found 
correspondences. The smaller is the disparity gradient, the 
more the two correspondences are in agreement. The sum of 
all disparity gradients of each matched point relative to all 
other neighbourhood matches is computed. Those matches 
that have a disparity gradient sum greater than the median of 
the sums are removed. In case of big baselines or in presence 
(at the same time) of translation, rotation, shearing and scale 
between consecutive images, the algorithm can achieve 
incorrect results if applied on the whole image: therefore the 
filtering process has to be performed on small image regions. 
4. Epipolar geometry between image pairs. À pairwise relative 
orientation and an outlier rejection using those matches that 
pass the filtering process are afterwards performed. Based on 
the coplanarity condition, the fundamental matrix is 
computed with the Least Median of the Squares (LMedS) 
method; LMedS estimators solve non-linear minimization 
problems and yield the smallest value for the median of the 
squared residuals computed for the data set. Therefore they 
are very robust in case of false matches or outliers due to 
false localisation. The computed epipolar geometry is then 
used to refine the matching process (step 3), which is now 
performed as guided matching along the epipolar line. 
5. Epipolar geometry between image triplets. Not all the 
correspondences that support the pairwise relative orientation 
are necessarily correct. In fact a pair of correspondences can 
support the epipolar geometry by chance (e.g. a repeated 
pattern aligned with the epipolar line). These kinds of 
ambiguities and blunders are reduced considering the epipolar 
geometry between three consecutive images. A linear 
representation for the relative orientation of three frames is 
represented by the trifocal tensor T [Shashua, 1994]. T is 
represented by a set of three 3x3 matrices and is computed 
from at least 7 correspondences without knowledge of the 
motion or calibration of the cameras. In our process, the 
tensor is computed with a RANSAC algorithm [Fischler et 
al., 1981] using the correspondences that support two 
adjacent pair of images and their epipolar geometry. The 
RANSAC is a robust estimator, which fits a model (tensor T) 
to a data set (triplet of correspondences) starting from a 
minimal subset of the data. The found tensor T is used (1) to 
verify whether the image points are correct corresponding 
features between three views and (2) to compute the image 
coordinates of a point in a view, given the corresponding 
image positions in the other two images. This transfer is very 
useful when in one view are not found many 
correspondences. As result of this step, for each triplet of 
images, a set of corresponding points, supporting the related 
epipolar geometry is recovered. 
6. Tracking image correspondences through the sequence. 
After the computation of a T tensor for every consecutive 
triplet of images, we consider all the overlapping tensors (e.g. 
Tis Toe Taas, ..) and we look for those correspondences 
which support consecutive tensors. That is, given two 
adjacent tensors Ta, and Ty,4 with supporting points (<a.Yas 
XpYb» Xoyc and (X iy p X oy e X ey a). if Guy XoYo) in the 
first tensor T4,, is equal to (x yy'p, X'aoy';) in the successive 
tensor Ty, this means that the point in images a, b, c and d is 
the same and therefore this point must have the same 
identifier. Each point is tracked as long as possible in the se- 
quence and the obtained correspondences are used as tie 
points for the successive bundle-adjustment. 
3.1.2. Photo-triangulation with bundle-adjustment 
A photogrammetric self-calibrating bundle-adjustment is 
performed using the found image correspondences and the 
approximations of the unknown camera parameters (section 2). 
Because of the network geometry and the lack of accurate

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