Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
en each data item and 
ighting exponent. The 
RMSPE) is calculated 
it value. The optimal 
nizing the root mean 
MSPE is the statistic 
. In cross-validation, 
pared to the predicted 
; a summary statistic 
face (Johnston et.alt. 
nination graph. 
oup of exact and local 
its base dependent on 
f the variable is given 
Ó with d being the 
ficients that will be 
equations, and n, the 
/olved in obtaining z;. 
c multiquadratic-type 
hich comprises an r 
e should be previously 
a very high value will 
the real surface. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
3.3 Kriging 
It is an exact and local interpolation method ( Moral, 2003) that 
sets the weight of each sample point according to the distance 
between the point to interpolate and the sample points. 
Kriging's procedure estimates this dependence over the 
semivariance, which takes different values according to the 
distance between data items. The function that relates 
semivariance to distance is called semivariogram and shows the 
variation in correlation among the data, according to distance. 
The basic expression is (4): 
| € ) 
HA) = — Zim Zine) (4 
7(h) à 1) ) 
where n is the number of value pairs separated by a distance h. 
Theory demands the semivariogram to be of general validity for 
the whole digital model's area. This means that data 
interdependence should be the exclusive function of the 
distance among them, and not of its absolute space location, 
because of which it doesn't allow for the treatment of 
discontinuities that lead to abrupt changes, such as slope 
To evaluate the effectiveness of the interpolation methods, the 
data were validated through a random mesh of points (figure 5), 
whose coordinates were measured using multiple direct 
intersection by classic topography. 
Figure 5. Distribution of the validation points. 
For the statistical evaluation of the effectiveness of each 
method, the model we obtained was checked with the real 
model, using the root mean square error (RMS) over the 72 
validation points, which is defined by the following 
expresion(5) (Felicísimo, 1994): 
( _ estimated _ real ) 
7 — 7. 
ei fni 
RMS 2 | 
er ( 
on X^ 
co o 
C» un 
Predicted, 10-2 
MN) No M) M) NN 
2,55 ; 2, 57 ; 2,58 2,58 
Measured, 10- 
Regression function. 1,001 * x + -0,362 
Figure 6. Result of points’ validation 
There are different search types among which we must choose 
to select those neighbouring sample points that will take part in 
the numeric determination of the "non-sample" point. This can 
be performed taking quadrants, octantes or the whole circular 
sector into account. So as to research the influence we 
performed the IDW interpolation using the three types of 
neighbour selection for 30 neighbours of which at least 12 
within a search circumference of a 10cm radius, obtaining the 
following final RMS (table 7): 
Selection RMS (m) 
all 0.025 
quadrants 0.028 
octantes 0.030 
Table 7. Model's error according to different search types by 
4.1 Optimal number of neighbouring points 
The number of neighbouring points that take part in thc 
interpolation was calculated evaluating the RMS, using IDW as 
a method.The method without quadrants has been selected for 
being the one with best results, as seen in the previous section. 
Number of Minimum number of RMS (m) 
neighbours neighbours 
45 15 0,026 
30 I? 0.025 
15 10 0.026 
8 8 0.032 
6 4 0.033 
Table 8. RMS according to the number of neighbours selected 
According to the table 8, there is a certain threshold above 
which the interpolated model's precision doesn't improve, no 
matter how high the number of points considered. For this 
reason, the options of 30 neighbours with at least 12 within and 
that of 15 neighbours with at least 10 are considered valid, since 
having more points without improvement in precision only 
increases the volume and time of calculations. 

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