Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

we can see that the feature points are computed reliable 
enough to produce a good 3D reconstruction. The autocal- 
ibrated focal length of the camera is 610.00 pixels, while 
the true focal length is listed as 685 pixels, which is within 
about 15 percent of the correct value. 
Figure 3: Rendering of camera positions and feature points 
In this paper we have described a system which automati- 
cally computes the correspondences for an unordered set of 
overlapping images. These correspondences are then sent 
to a bundle adjustment process to compute the extrinsic 
camera parameters. This process does not require camera 
calibration, and in fact can autocalibrate the camera focal 
length. A demonstration version of this code can be found 
in http://www.cv.iit.nrc.ca/research/PVT.html. 
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