Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

nbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
dist(P. P0 Q0. [d P. P) *d(Q,,Q,)]/2 
—óg (h,k)/ €, 
(6, (hk) = {° 
If ( 9, , P ) isa candidate match and 5, (A, k) «&, 
Where £, is the threshold of relative distance difference, its 
empiric value is applied in calculation and 0.3 is applied in 
paper. Since the candidate matching points Q of P. are more 
than one, the numbers of d | Ó. j (A, " ) values are more 
than one; only the m is applied 
as support of point Pp anf "its M Dn match point 
pair (P. ) In actual calculation, the points in the neighbour 
domain of P are more than one, if N( P.) is used to express 
the point set (excluding p ) in the neighbour domain of 
point P, calculates the support of point pair (P, Q ) i 
N (P ) one by one, then the average after accumulative serves 
as generally initial sert 
SUP O, ye vai @(|0,(h,k)|) (8) 
m hei kr) 
Where m is the number of points in N (P )- 
When calculating S^? (P. o ) > treat each point pair D Q, ) 
initially and equally because there is no priori knowledge at 
beginning. But after the r time iterant (r > 0) , the support of 
(P. O0 on (2.0% relies not only on the difference of 
location between P and 0 ; but also on their 
sr (PO ) value, namely allowing feedback of local 
support. These two factors can be combined together as a 
different way; the minimum value is selected, therefore: 
2.0 )= Dax mint IS (P. O Y oo. (^, k)D1(9) 
the iterative until expect for p the measure of support for less 
then known threshold value. 
3.4 Sequence, stereo double matching restraint 
Stereo — correspondence and sequence correspondence 
simultaneously exist in the  three-dimensional feature 
correspondence movement analysis. The method and goal of 
these two matches are identical from the aspects of image 
processing. During the process of object three-dimensional 
feature point’s correspondence, both stereo-sequence match and 
sequence-stereo match can be applied. However, the different 
matching order will has different matching effect to the final 
moving object three-dimensional feature point correspondence. 
In actual operation, the adjacent images took by one camera are 
similar, because the time interval between two adjacent images 
is very short. Thus, the sequence image match from same 
camera is easy, but because its base line between viewpoints is 
relatively short, three-dimensional reconstruction is difficult. 
Therefore, the estimated depth is not precise in the situation 
When noise exists (it is even impossible when baseline is fairly 
Short). With this correspondence, there is usually a certain 
baseline between different cameras, the three-dimensional 
reconstruction precision is fairly high among stereovision 
because the distance between viewpoints is large, but stereo 
matching is difficult, especially when huge disparity and image 
distortion exist. The double match restraint namely first extracts 
random feature points on moving objects from different-time 
but same-sequence images, determining the corresponding 
relationship of feature points among the same sequence images, 
establish the sequence match of binocular image sequences. If 
the image sequence sample density is appropriate, the reliability 
of the feature match in sequence image can be guaranteed. Then 
according to match corresponding point coordinates which 
obtained from the sequence match result matching with 
corresponding images of same-time different sequence (left and 
right images stereo match). Therefore, the difficulty of random 
stereo match can be decreased to a great level through this 
double match restraint. As a result, the whole correspondence of 
moving object random three-dimensional feature points can be 
obtained preferably. 
Double match restraint process is shown as Figurel. Where the 
left and right image stereo vision system at time /; are Z and 
I ; respectively, the corresponding feature points on image 
I. and i are M, and M, , the three-dimensional feature 
points on Ts object corresponding to M; and M, is 
M, A HJ? b is rotational matrix and translation vector of 
moving objects between time f; to time 7, , Roslin are 
rotational matrix and translation vector between left and right 
stereo vision camera, the match between feature points 
m, and M, is stereo match (correspondence); the match 
e een feature point ni, and m, or Hl, and m, 4 is 
sequential (moving) match (correspondence) ; the 
correspondence between feature points M ; and M id 15 
correspondence of moving objects random three-dimensional 
feature points. / — 3 in Figure 1. 
In practical realization, when carrying on the preceding stage 
match, the feature points are extracted from two images (front 
and rear) simutaneously, and original matching table is created 
between the features of two images, the possible candidate 
match points of a feature is found in the other image. But when 
carrying on the latter match, corresponding feature point is 
searched on the other image for matching according to the 
preceding match result (coordinates) in order to enhance the 
computation speed and the match precision. Before the 
movement sequence match, the image difference can be used to 
examine the dynamic moving object, and limit the matched 
object on moving object (adandoning the static background of 
moving object). 
Through the sequence-match and stereo-match, after obtaining 
the pixel coordinates of corresponding binocular sequence 
image feature points of moving object at different time, and 
using the transformation relation of image and object 
coordinates obtained from calibration, the object coordinates of 
corresponding feature points can be obtained from formula (2). 
Using these points sequences in the three-dimensional space, 
the object parameters of movement are estimated. 

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