Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

nbul 2004 
gravity to 
poses the 
© points 
tor can be 
matrix, 9 
orithm is 
y is poor. 
able for 
ntity, and 
his linear 
osition to 
eters, not 
;o linear 
1atrix R,if 
ed skew- 
a 0. —c 4 1- 9. 0 
N=|b Sims -a| I=|0 1 0 
e huge 9 Qo 1 
br adbuc 2ab - 2c 2ac + 2b | 
IDBIBSIZ 2ab + 2¢ icd $55 2bc—2a 
ieu dade 2ac —2b 2bc + 2a km Gehe 
according to(13)there is relation formula below: 
An = Ba r sol 17) 
There into: A = p — P | B d -[P —P 
Ass ü * St) # Ba (I D Su) (18) 
solution equation(18)obtain independent variable (a,5,c). 
thereby obtain the rotational matrix R replace R 
into(14)translation T can be obtained. 
[n present study, we use a binocular stereo computer vision 
system, to acquire binocular stereo image sequences pair in turn 
constant duration (the true quantity of motion about every 
spaced interval of time is Ax = 25/ 2mm, Ay z -25/A2mm) 
about the toy car, which is undergoing an approximate even 
velocity rectilineal moving in one XY plane in the view scope 
of a video camera. The three-dimensional moving parameters of 
the moving object sequence images are calculated. The detail 
procedures are as below: 
(Dthe binocular stereo sequence images pair of moving object 
in different time is obtinaed using binocular stereovision 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
(Using the line (point) features with known geometry relations 
established in scene, the stereo vision system is calibrated in 
order to obtain the direct linear transformation coefficient L, 
according to the 2 Binocular Stereo vision system calibration 
@)Sequence, stereo matching is done with the law of relaxation 
and relative matching in order to obtain the image coordinates 
of moving object corresponeding feature point image 
(à) The three-dimensional coordinates of moving object 
corresponded feature points are calculted according the 
coefficient L, : 
(S)The parameters R and T of object relative movement are 
calculated using Skew-Symmetric Matrix Decomposition 
The results of rotational matrix and translation vector in 10 
time intervals are shown in Table 1. The error between 
calculated values and true values in x and y directions in 10 
time intervals are shown in Table 2. The mean errors of 
moving point are shown in Table 3. In Table 3, the mean error 
is the error between three-dimensional coordinate P: 
(x; Va 2)" of corresponded feature point in the time of 
{ + Af which is reconstructed from „procedure D and the 
coordinate P (X), ; £y of 
corresponding feature point that is calculated from a random 
feature point P (x uz) in a moving object in time t 
that has moved for Af according to the R and T vector 
obtained from the above procedures and using movement 
equation (10). Here (; = 1,2,---,n) and n=16. 
Table 1 The results of rotational matrix and translation vector Unit: d * cm 
1 0. 06 70. 56 -0.41 zm 1.78 -0. 06 
2 -0. 90 70.81 „ax -2.34 1.27 0.12 
3 1.09 -].48 0. 63 72. 10 1.55 0. 34 
4 0. 01 70. 01 1. 25 71.38 1. 83 0.22 
5 =2.11 1. 26 0. 76 71.92 1. 86 0. 35 
6 -0. 40 70. 18 1. 60 “118 1.81 0.28 
7 z1.23 0. 06 1. 50 71. 86 1.54 0. 24 
8 1.41 1.37 71. 71 =]. 77 ]. 93 70. 12 
9 z0. 30 =0. 33 0. 90 z]. 08 1.58 0.01 
10 1. 24 0.59 -0. 64 1.91 1. 57 -0. 34 
Table 2 The mean errors of moving point Unit: cm 
1 2 3 4 2 6 T 8 9 10 
di 0.02 -0. 58 r0. 35 0. 38 20. 15 0. 60 -0.09 | 0.0] 0. 08 -0. 14 
d, 40: 01 -0. 48 70. 21 0. 06 0. 09 0. 04 "0. 22 0. 17 —0. 18 70. I8 
Table3 The mean errors of moving point Unit: © cm 
1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 
m, | 0.57 050 {0.24 1030 {0.63 0.39 0.49 0.23 0.13 0.31 
m, | 0.23 a 0.23 0.15 0.27 0.55 0.30 0.36 0.30 | 0.14 | 0.20 
m; | 0.31 0.19 0.12 0.21 0.28 0.18 0.21 0.13 0.11 0.13 
Âs shown in Table 2, the mean translation errors are 2.4 mm 
and 1.7mm, in the directions of X and Y, respectively. Due to 
the limitation of experimental conditions, there is no way to 
precisely measure the true values 

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