Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
each stereomodel or to determine the 3D object coordinates of 
all interest features in a MMVS. 
Figure 1 shows our automatic point extraction and transfer 
algorithm for DV images. The originally acquired DV signal is 
first converted into sequential DV images by the free software 
TMPGEnc available at http://www.tmpgenc.com. Now, the DV 
images as shown in Figure 2 are interlaced. They must be de- 
interlaced. Blurred de-interlaced images will be automatically 
selected by simply using average image gradient. A de- 
interlaced image will be tagged as a blurred image, if it has a 
small average image gradient less than 10% of the average 
gradient of five nonblurred de-interlaced images before it. 
Blurred images will not be used. Then, feature points are 
extracted by using the Fórstner operator (Fórstner, 1993) 
because it can extract as clear and definite features as possible, 
such as corner points. Those feature points "flowing" into a 
homogeneous area will be deleted. The LK, NCC, and our 
IOFE methods are then used for point tracking. In the final step, 
tracking errors are detected by using the least squares 
adjustment and correlation coefficient check. 
DV image acquisition and preprocessing 
DV image acquisition 
Convert DV signal into sequential DV images 
De-interlace DV images 
Blurred image selection and deletion 
Feature point extraction and selection 
Feature point extraction by the FOrstner operator 
Feature point selection 
Feature point tracking 
Point tracking by LK, IOFE, NCC 
Error detection 
Figure 1. Flowchart of data processing in the automatic point 
extraction and transfer (APET) algorithm used in this paper 
Figure 2. Interlaced DV images 
This paper uses the LK method to build the optical flow vector 
model, and utilizes the finite difference approach and the block 
motion model to estimate the related gradients at a point for a 
image function S(x,y,f) dependent on positional and time 
variables x, y, and /. Detailed formulas can be found in (Tekalp, 
1995). Thus, a displacement vector at a pixel P can be 
computed typically from a template mask and a searching mask 
of the same size with its centre at the (r,c)-th pixel in two 
sequential DV images, respectively. Compared with the typical 
LK method, our IOFE method changes this rule and involves 
the following steps: 
l. Compute the displacement vector (dr, dc) from a template 
and a searching mask of mxm pixels (c.g. m=11) with its 
centre at the (r,c)-th pixel P in two sequential DV images. 
. The template mask remains the same. Move the searching 
mask from (rc) to (r*dr, c*dc). Compute again a new 
displacement vector (dr’, dc’). 
3. If dr'z0 or dc'z0, repeat the step 2. Otherwise, stop the 
computation at the pixel P. 
Normally, the computation is completed after 2 or 3 iterations, 
if the displacement vector length is less than 3 pixels. If the 
number of iterations is larger than 10, stop the divergent 
computation and label the pixel P as an “invalid point”. 
Otherwise, label the pixel P as a “valid point”. 
Figure 3 shows a DV image of near 2D objects on a wall. Their 
sequential DV images are used as test images. Figure 4 shows 
the histograms of displacement vector lengths at all valid points 
for tracking from the 1* image to 25-7" image, respectively. It 
illustrates clearly that the number of valid points (or trackable 
points) is decreased, if the time interval of the aforementioned 
image function S(x,v,/) is increased. The number of trackable 
points is 32% at one image interval, and is continuously 
reduced to 0% at the time interval of 8 images (from image 1 to 
9). Nevertheless, a second top wave curve emerges in the 
histogram curves (C)~(F). It means that a large number of 
points with a displacement vector length of 18~38 pixels still 
are trackable. Also, these histograms show that a large number 
of points (78%~99%) are wrong tracked, since their 
displacement vector lengths are less than the related image shift 
distance. Therefore, a mechanism for error detection on the 
tracking results is necessary. As shown in Figure 5, the LK 
method determines a large number of points with shorter 
displacement vectors than the real ones. Its registration 
accuracy is 1 pixel, where the affine transformation is used as 
the registration model. The IOFE method has a registration 
accuracy of 0.511 and 0.415 pixel, respectively, if error- 
deletion is not or is done. Figure 6 shows that the IOFE method 
generates tracked point pairs with higher correlation than the 
LK method. Table 1 shows the statistic figures of this set of test 
images. It shows that the NCC method has the best registration 
accuracy and provides most valid points, but is most time- 
consuming. The same DV images are also used for the tests 
with different mask size. The results show that the maximal 
trackable range almost remains the same, although the mask 
size is increased from 11x11 to 41x41. Figure 7 shows some 
test results of a 3D scene. Visual check verifies that the IOFE 
method provides better results than the LK method. Figure 8 
and Table 2 show that both IOFE and NCC method can 
efficiently track points for DV images of 60 fps (=frames per 

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