Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
2.1 Data Preparation 
The small-size negatives (24mmx36mm) were digitised in color 
at Sum with the VEXCEL ULTRASCAN 5000 scanner. The 
digital images were imported into ORPHEUS and image 
pyramids were computed for faster visualization purposes. 
When dealing with non-metric images there are no fiducial 
marks available that can be measured in order to create the 
relation between camera space and image space. Therefore the 
four corners of each image had to be digitised carefully and 
would serve as fiducials. Unfortunately, in most of the images 
the texture and contrast was very poor at the comer regions, 
thus the corner fiducials were measured indirectly. A thorough 
description of this procedure is given in Waldhauesl and Kager 
A three-parameter-model was employed for the transformation 
between camera space and image space since fictitious fiducials 
were used. 
At this point the images had been assigned the same interior 
orientation (assuming no refocusing of the camera), which still 
was unknown. So, the next step comprised the initialisation of 
the focal length. It was set to 43mm (= diagonal of the images) 
for the time being, and would be corrected later on through self- 
calibration adjustment techniques. The distortion parameters 
were disregarded for the time being and initialised to zero. They 
would also be precisely computed once the whole image block 
had been preliminarily triangulated and an adjustment with self- 
calibration could be carried out! 
2.2 Datum Definition 
Due to the fact that no control point information was given, two 
major problems appeared in the orientation procedure. Firstly, 
the definition of a global coordinate system (Cartesian XYZ- 
system) in which the image block should be defined and the 
object be reconstructed in. 
For defining this system (seven degrees of freedom) one tie- 
point lying close to the motorcycle on the ground was chosen as 
origin (X=Y=Z=0). This way the three translation components 
of the system were defined. A second point was fixed on the X- 
axis of the local system (Y=Z=0). Thus, two rotations were 
defined. Finally, a third point was chosen to be fixed, lying in 
the horizontal XY-plane (Z=0) in order to define the third 
rotation, respectively. It was paid attention that the three points 
defining the datum were chosen in such a way, that the Y-axis 
was approximately parallel to the motorcycle's symmetric 
The scale - being the seventh degree of freedom - could 
unfortunately at this step not really be defined. The only 
valuable information regarding the scale, were the distance 
between the front and the rear wheel and the brake disks 
diameters that were taken from the motorcycle's specifications 
sheet. Unfortunately, no homologous points could be found on 
the brake disks or at the wheel axes or centres. Hence it was 
decided to define a fixed arbitrary distance between two points 
provisorily to achieve first adjustment results. A precise scaling 
procedure would be carried out^later on using fictitious 
Since the image configuration was very weak, it was necessary 
fo measure a great number of tie points in the overlapping 
image areas, but the finding of useable homologous points was 
restricted to few limited small areas in the images. Hence 
additional ‘tie-features’ had to be employed to stabilise the 
block and were integrated into a hybrid adjustment (Figure 1). 
When talking of hybrid adjustment, it is meant that the 
incorporated input data (observations) can come from widely 
different origins (Kraus, 1996). For example, polar points 
measured with a tachymeter, spatial directions between pairs of 
points measured with an electronic  distance-measuring 
instrument, GPS measurements, or the well-known image 
points. Observations can also be provided by so-called shape or 
feature information. Features are (usually) not observed with an 
instrument, but are defined by the human senses and 
accumulated knowledge. Typical feature information can be: 
e Horizontal or vertical planes: one or more points needed 
e Straight lines: two or more points needed 
e Arbitrary planes: three or more points needed 
e Parallel straight lines: three or more points needed 
* Parallel planes: four or more points needed 
Also, spatial curves can be used instead of straight lines and 
spatial surfaces can be used instead of planes. Such spatial 
curves and surfaces can allow general relations between (object) 
points to. be taken into account. Observations (done in the 
mind) leading to feature information are called fictitious 
observations (Kraus, 1996). 
Every such feature is described in an individual local coordinate 
system. In these local systems the observations are 
mathematically defined. For example, for image point 
observations, that local coordinate system is defined through 
the exterior orientation parameters of the image. The observed 
values would be the image point coordinates. But also polar 
point measurements are defined in local coordinate systems. 
Here the unknowns would be the translation and orientation of 
the local system, and the observations the azimuth and 
horizontal angle, as well as the observed range to a specific 
point. Hence all observations types are described in individual 
local coordinate systems and are equally treated in the hybrid 
adjustment process. 
3.1 Lines and Circles as Tie-Features 
For nearly all projects in photogrammetry points are used for 
tying and controlling the image block. But in some cases no 
uniquely identifiable points can be found on the three- 
dimensional object, mainly due to lack of texture information. 
Nevertheless, often certain identifiable features appear in 
multiple images and can be used as tie or control information 
(see Figure 1). These features can be lines, curves or circles for 
example, or any other analytically describable feature, e.g. 
polynomial curves (Kager, 1980) or even splines (Forkert, 
1994). If such features cannot be described in a mathematical 
way, the problem becomes insolvable. 
Figure 4 and Figure 5 should give an impression on the idea of 
using non-homologous points to reconstruct features in object 
The task is to find the three dimensional objects (L, a line, and 
C, a circle)! Considering that the elements of the exterior and 
interior orientation are known and no homologous points can be 
found on the tie or control element, we measure image 

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